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Astro Void Flower - My personal blog

You can use this repo to learn about Astro or to setup your website - it's completely free to use. I would also be grateful if you submit issues about bugs or your ideas about how to make it better!

Tech choices:

  • Styling: Tailwind with daisyUI and @iconify/tailwind
  • Code highlights: expressive-code
  • Search: pagefind
  • Utility UI-library: preact
  • Databaase: postgres with supabase hosting
  • ORM: kysely with Prisma for migrations
  • Deployment - Vercel

Project structure:

/src is the main project directory. Everything outside is not related to the project content and what user sees, but rather configurations of database schema, plugins and so on.

  • /content and /pages folders are reserved by Astro for content collections and serving pages.

    • /pages/api is for serverless API routes. Currently used for retrieving and updating post data.
  • /components is a folder of folders for types of components divided by frameworks for easy search: /astro, /react. There's also /mdx folder which I think is okay to use for any shared interactive blocks between the articles. Inside every folder there is flat a division by entity: /posts, /index, /navbar

  • /db is for Database initialization: pg pool, kysely instance. In /db/schema.ts is a generated file by prisma-kysely generator so there would be no need to map Prisma and kysely types. Also there are files like post.ts with repositories to manipulate the database, so that API routes would not be as bloated.

  • /layouts is, well, for layouts. Perhaps its place is in components, but I have left it as is. There is a base folder where I split multiple parts of "Base" layout - scripts, favicons and so on.

  • /lib is a folder for utilities, zod schemas, API client and so on.

  • /styles is for global styles: there is a components.css for classes like box and index.css for other global styles and reexporting the other two.

/plugins is for any plugins, specifically for rehype, remark and expressive-code.

/prisma is for Prisma configuration. and compose.yml exist for the purpose of using database locally with ease. The script elevates docker-compose with postgres, runs migrations against the db and runs the server. Do not forget to add executable rights to


  • Multiple themes support via daisyUI
  • Extended MDX support with remark and rehype plugins
  • Cool themed code blocks with expressive-code
  • Global search via pagefind
  • Global configuration of text width and size
  • Grid view to paginate posts
  • RSS, sitemap, OpenGraph images, SEO-optimized, adaptive and performant without any unnecessary JS sent to the client
  • Database integration via postgres, supabase, Prisma and kysely

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.