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Customize JSON Responses

Demis Bellot edited this page Oct 25, 2016 · 13 revisions

The JSON Responses for all ServiceStack Services can be configured Globally, individually per-Service or customized per-request by the client using the ?jsconfig QueryString modifier.

Global Default JSON Configuration

ServiceStack uses the ServiceStack.Text Serializers for its built-in JSON/JSV and CSV serialization. The serialization can be customized globally by configuring the JsConfig or type-specific JsConfig<T> static classes with your preferred defaults, e.g:

public override void Configure(Container container)
    JsConfig.EmitLowercaseUnderscoreNames = true; 
    JsConfig.ExcludeDefaultValues = true;

    JsConfig<Guid>.SerializeFn = guid => guid.ToString("D");
    JsConfig<TimeSpan>.SerializeFn = time => 
        (time.Ticks < 0 ? "-" : "") + time.ToString("hh':'mm':'ss'.'fffffff");

Customize JSON Responses in Service

The Global Defaults can be overridden on a adhoc basis by returning your Response DTO in a custom HttpResult configured with a custom JS Config Scope, e.g:

return new HttpResult(responseDto) {
    ResultScope = () => JsConfig.With(
        emitLowercaseUnderscoreNames:true, excludeDefaultValues:true)

Customize JSON Responses from Client

The JSON and JSV Responses for all Services (inc. Auto Query Services) can also be further customized with the new ?jsconfig QueryString param which lets your Service consumers customize the returned JSON Response to their preference. This works similar to having wrapped your Service response in a HttpResult with a Custom ResultScope in the Service implementation to enable non-default customization of a Services response, e.g:


Works similarly to:

return new HttpResult(new { TheKey = "value", Foo=0 }) {
    ResultScope = () => JsConfig.With(
        emitLowercaseUnderscoreNames:true, excludeDefaultValues:true)

Which results in lowercase_underscore key names with any properties with default values removed:


It also supports cascading server and client ResultScopes, with the client ?jsconfig taking precedence.

Nearly all JsConfig scope options are supported other than delegates and complex type configuration properties.

Camel Humps Notation

JsConfig also supports Camel Humps notation letting you target a configuration by just using the Uppercase Letters in the property name which is also case-insensitive so an equivalent shorter version of the above config can be:


Camel Humps also works with Enum Values so both these two configurations are the same:


Custom JSON Live Example

AutoQuery Viewer makes use of this feature in order to return human readable dates using the new ISO8601DateOnly DateHandler Enum Value as well as appending ExcludeDefaultValues when specifying custom fields so that any unpopulated value type properties with default values are excluded from the JSON Response. Here's a live example of this comparing the default Response with the customized JSON Response:

Custom JSON Settings

The presence of a bool configuration property will be set to true unless they have a false or 0 value in which case they will be set to false, e.g:


For a quick reference the following bool customizations are supported:

Name Alias
EmitCamelCaseNames eccn
EmitLowercaseUnderscoreNames elun
IncludeNullValues inv
IncludeNullValuesInDictionaries invid
IncludeDefaultEnums ide
IncludePublicFields ipf
IncludeTypeInfo iti
ExcludeTypeInfo eti
ConvertObjectTypesIntoStringDictionary cotisd
TreatEnumAsInteger teai
TryToParsePrimitiveTypeValues ttpptv
TryToParseNumericType ttpnt
ThrowOnDeserializationError tode
EscapeUnicode eu
PreferInterfaces pi
SkipDateTimeConversion sdtc
AlwaysUseUtc auu
AssumeUtc au
AppendUtcOffset auo
DateHandler (dh)
TimestampOffset to
DCJSCompatible dcjsc
ISO8601 iso8601
ISO8601DateOnly iso8601do
ISO8601DateTime iso8601dt
RFC1123 rfc1123
UnixTime ut
UnixTimeMs utm
TimeSpanHandler (tsh)
DurationFormat df
StandardFormat sf
PropertyConvention (pc)
Strict s
Lenient l

Create Custom Scopes using String config

You can also create a scope from a string manually using JsConfig.CreateScope(), e.g:

using (JsConfig.CreateScope("EmitLowercaseUnderscoreNames,ExcludeDefaultValues,dh:ut")) 
    var json = dto.ToJson();

If you don't wish for consumers to be able to customize JSON responses this feature can be disabled with Config.AllowJsConfig=false.

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  2. Designing APIs

    1. ServiceStack API Design
    2. Designing a REST-ful service with ServiceStack
    3. Simple Customer REST Example
    4. How to design a Message-Based API
    5. Software complexity and role of DTOs
  3. Reference

    1. Order of Operations
    2. The IoC container
    3. Configuration and AppSettings
    4. Metadata page
    5. Rest, SOAP & default endpoints
    6. SOAP support
    7. Routing
    8. Service return types
    9. Customize HTTP Responses
    10. Customize JSON Responses
    11. Plugins
    12. Validation
    13. Error Handling
    14. Security
    15. Debugging
    16. JavaScript Client Library (ss-utils.js)
  4. Clients

    1. Overview
    2. C#/.NET client
      1. .NET Core Clients
    3. Add ServiceStack Reference
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      3. VB.NET Add Reference
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      5. Java Add Reference
    4. Silverlight client
    5. JavaScript client
      1. Add TypeScript Reference
    6. Dart Client
    7. MQ Clients
  5. Formats

    1. Overview
    2. JSON/JSV and XML
    3. HTML5 Report Format
    4. CSV Format
    5. MessagePack Format
    6. ProtoBuf Format
  6. View Engines 4. Razor & Markdown Razor

    1. Markdown Razor
  7. Hosts

    1. IIS
    2. Self-hosting
    3. Messaging
    4. Mono
  8. Security

    1. Authentication
    2. Sessions
    3. Restricting Services
    4. Encrypted Messaging
  9. Advanced

    1. Configuration options
    2. Access HTTP specific features in services
    3. Logging
    4. Serialization/deserialization
    5. Request/response filters
    6. Filter attributes
    7. Concurrency Model
    8. Built-in profiling
    9. Form Hijacking Prevention
    10. Auto-Mapping
    11. HTTP Utils
    12. Dump Utils
    13. Virtual File System
    14. Config API
    15. Physical Project Structure
    16. Modularizing Services
    17. MVC Integration
    18. ServiceStack Integration
    19. Embedded Native Desktop Apps
    20. Auto Batched Requests
    21. Versioning
    22. Multitenancy
  10. Caching

  11. Caching Providers

  12. HTTP Caching 1. CacheResponse Attribute 2. Cache Aware Clients

  13. Auto Query

  14. Overview

  15. Why Not OData

  16. AutoQuery RDBMS

  17. AutoQuery Data 1. AutoQuery Memory 2. AutoQuery Service 3. AutoQuery DynamoDB

  18. Server Events

    1. Overview
    2. JavaScript Client
    3. C# Server Events Client
    4. Redis Server Events
  19. Service Gateway

    1. Overview
    2. Service Discovery
  20. Encrypted Messaging

    1. Overview
    2. Encrypted Client
  21. Plugins

    1. Auto Query
    2. Server Sent Events
    3. Swagger API
    4. Postman
    5. Request logger
    6. Sitemaps
    7. Cancellable Requests
    8. CorsFeature
  22. Tests

    1. Testing
    2. HowTo write unit/integration tests
  23. ServiceStackVS

    1. Install ServiceStackVS
    2. Add ServiceStack Reference
    3. TypeScript React Template
    4. React, Redux Chat App
    5. AngularJS App Template
    6. React Desktop Apps
  24. Other Languages

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      1. Add ServiceStack Reference
    2. VB.NET
      1. Add ServiceStack Reference
    3. Swift
    4. Swift Add Reference
    5. Java
      1. Add ServiceStack Reference
      2. Android Studio & IntelliJ
      3. Eclipse
  25. Amazon Web Services

  26. ServiceStack.Aws

  27. PocoDynamo

  28. AWS Live Demos

  29. Getting Started with AWS

  30. Deployment

    1. Deploy Multiple Sites to single AWS Instance
      1. Simple Deployments to AWS with WebDeploy
    2. Advanced Deployments with OctopusDeploy
  31. Install 3rd Party Products

    1. Redis on Windows
    2. RabbitMQ on Windows
  32. Use Cases

    1. Single Page Apps
    2. HTML, CSS and JS Minifiers
    3. Azure
    4. Connecting to Azure Redis via SSL
    5. Logging
    6. Bundling and Minification
    7. NHibernate
  33. Performance

    1. Real world performance
  34. Other Products

    1. ServiceStack.Redis
    2. ServiceStack.OrmLite
    3. ServiceStack.Text
  35. Future

    1. Roadmap
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