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SethPDA edited this page Mar 26, 2024 · 13 revisions

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Modding homepage!

This Guide will go through the process of creating mods for Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel.

You will need some game development knowledge like mesh modelling, UV unwrapping, shader editing to make mods.

The only mods you don't need gamedev knowledge are for music/sound mods or replacing simple textures. For mesh editing, duel field making and other stuff, you will need that.

On the right side of this wiki page, you can navigate through all the modding sections.

I will not take any responsibility if someone uses this guide for nefarious purposes like cheating or gaining advantage over others. Just keep in mind that if you have this kind of intention, I would like to kindly ask you to leave, because you may be ruining the modding scene for this game (Konami might update the game so it will check for modified files on every startup, then bye bye modding).

Guide maintained by these people: SethPDA

Guide last updated: 2024-Mar-25

Works with Game Version: 1.7.3

Tested on following platforms: Steam

Required tools:

Asset Studio v0.16.47 (

UABE Avalonia sixth release (

Unity Engine 2020.3.46f1 (currently, this is the Unity version of which the game is built with. It may be required in the future to update Unity in order to meet the version of the game's Unity version). (

OPTIONAL: You'll need this ONLY if you want to mod THE WHOLE GAME. THIS TAKES HOURS to complete. Asset Ripper v1.0.3 (

First things first.

So the Steam version of the game is structured as follows:

\Yu-Gi-Oh!  Master Duel\LocalData
\Yu-Gi-Oh!  Master Duel\LocalSave
\Yu-Gi-Oh!  Master Duel\masterduel_Data

The masterduel_Data folder contains music, graphics and code related to the title screen of the game. This sorta works like a launcher for the game (especially on the mobile version). All the cards and other graphics, music, core gameplay is located in LocalData. This is what you need to work with. This is also the folder which gets updated when the game tells you that it needs to download some files. If Steam tells you it has an update, it most likely will update the masterduel_Data folder. But for this tutorial, let's concentrate on LocalData folder.

First of all, extract every tool (Asset Studio and UABEA and AssetRipper) and install Unity before proceeding. For Unity install, you need to check the Windows Build platform/environment. Unity will also not run without having Unity Hub installed because it needs to check for a license. A free personal license is enough for this guide. You might also need stuff like .Net framework and so on, which I will not go through in this guide. There is plenty of info about that.