Check out our core system architecture to see how the "webapp" service fits.
Want to help! Pile On!
The build requires node 6, and uses Gulp to manage builds, and Karma with PhantomJS to run tests.
Gulp tasks:
- all (clean, lint, test, build)
- build (css, js, static, hashref) -- create production-ready content in the dist dir
- clean -- clean the dist dir and other related working files
- css -- postcss-based processing and concatenation of css, followed by minify and hash
- default (clean, build)
- hashref -- replaces references to files in index.html with hashed equivalent
- js -- concatenate, minify, and hash javascript
- js:app -- concatenate and minify angular application
- js:npm -- concatenate and minify vendor scripts from npm (angluar lib, etc.)
- js:vendor -- concatenate and minify downloaded/checked in scripts (jsrsasign, which misbehaves when pulled from npm)
- lint (lint:css, lint:js, 'lint:html', 'lint:templates', 'lint:infra')
- lint:css -- run css linter (stylelintrc)
- lint:html -- run html linter on static files (html-angular-validator)
- lint:infra -- lint infrastructure files (tests, karma, gulp)
- lint:js -- run js linter (jshint)
- lint:templates -- run angular-aware linter on templates (html-angular-validator with angular options)
- server -- doesn't work yet, be patient
- static -- copy static resources
- static:fonts -- copy checked-in fonts
- static:images -- copy images
- static:root -- copy root resources (*.html, *.ico, ... )
- test -- run tests using karma (with PhantomJS)
The build requires node 6, and uses Gulp to manage builds, and Karma with PhantomJS to run tests.
$ cd app
$ npm install
$ $(npm bin)/gulp build
If you don't have (or don't want!) node, Gulp, and/or PhantomJS installed (or if PhantomJS is just being a pain), don't worry, we have you covered! The image created by Dockerfile-node
contains everything you need to build and unit test the web front end.
There are two ways to work with this container:
- TL;DR: Use the
script, with the following actions:
-- build the webapp,gulp build
-- open a shell for iterative development (allows running any of the above gulp tasks)test
-- test the webapp usinggulp test
, see belowfinal
-- build the final docker container (after runningbuild
- Issue docker commands directly:
create a volume for node_modules (this prevents conflicts if you switch between native and docker-based builds):
docker volume create --name webapp-node-modules
create the image:
docker build -f Dockerfile-node -t webapp-build .
to build the web application, use:
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD/app:/app -v webapp-node-modules:/app/node_modules webapp-build
Note the extra volume for node_modules. Some dependencies (like prebuilt phantomjs on a mac) will tank a container-based build. This second volume allows the two systems to coexist without confusing each other.
to open a shell:
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD/app:/app -v webapp-node-modules:/app/node_modules webapp-build /bin/bash
to test:
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD/app:/app -v webapp-node-modules:/app/node_modules webapp-build test
create the final image:
docker build -t gameontext/gameon-webapp .
If you're building from the top-level gameon
project with docker-compose, copy the following from docker/docker-compose.override.yml.example
into docker/docker-compose.override.yml
context: ../webapp
- '../webapp/app/dist:/opt/www/public'
After that, use docker/
to manage rebuilding and starting the web front-end:
./docker/ rebuild webapp
By default, we use Karma with PhantomJS for unit testing:
$ cd app
$ $(npm bin)/gulp test
The image used for building has phantomjs within it. If you want to run tests natively, it's up to you to install PhantomJS in whatever way suits you best.
To check the look and feel, you can start a quick node server. It's utility is limited, you'll get better results by running the webapp using Docker Compose from the gameon project )
$ cd app
$ openssl genrsa -out test-localhost.key 2048
$ openssl req -new -x509 -key test-localhost.key -out test-localhost.cert -days 3650 -subj /CN=localhost
(, and many others)
$ cd app
$ node test-server.js