A Python package for interacting with cTrader Open API.
This package uses Twisted and it works asynchronously.
- Free software: MIT
- Documentation: https://spotware.github.io/OpenApiPy/.
Works asynchronously by using Twisted
Methods return Twisted deferreds
It contains the Open API messages files so you don't have to do the compilation
Makes handling request responses easy by using Twisted deferreds
pip install ctrader-open-api
from ctrader_open_api import Client, Protobuf, TcpProtocol, Auth, EndPoints
from ctrader_open_api.messages.OpenApiCommonMessages_pb2 import *
from ctrader_open_api.messages.OpenApiCommonMessages_pb2 import *
from ctrader_open_api.messages.OpenApiMessages_pb2 import *
from ctrader_open_api.messages.OpenApiModelMessages_pb2 import *
from twisted.internet import reactor
hostType = input("Host (Live/Demo): ")
host = EndPoints.PROTOBUF_LIVE_HOST if hostType.lower() == "live" else EndPoints.PROTOBUF_DEMO_HOST
client = Client(host, EndPoints.PROTOBUF_PORT, TcpProtocol)
def onError(failure): # Call back for errors
print("Message Error: ", failure)
def connected(client): # Callback for client connection
# Now we send a ProtoOAApplicationAuthReq
request = ProtoOAApplicationAuthReq()
request.clientId = "Your application Client ID"
request.clientSecret = "Your application Client secret"
# Client send method returns a Twisted deferred
deferred = client.send(request)
# You can use the returned Twisted deferred to attach callbacks
# for getting message response or error backs for getting error if something went wrong
# deferred.addCallbacks(onProtoOAApplicationAuthRes, onError)
def disconnected(client, reason): # Callback for client disconnection
print("\nDisconnected: ", reason)
def onMessageReceived(client, message): # Callback for receiving all messages
print("Message received: \n", Protobuf.extract(message))
# Setting optional client callbacks
# Starting the client service
# Run Twisted reactor
Please check documentation or samples for a complete example.