Raw output driver for Solid Angle's Arnold with filter based on publication "Boosting Monte Carlo Rendering by Ray Histogram Fusion" http://dev.ipol.im/~mdelbra/rhf/
Library dependencies: C++11-compatible compiler, Arnold SDK (version >= 4.1), OpenImageIO (version >= 1.5) and TBB
=========================================================== Current limitations:
Only RGBA Beauty is supported at this moment (i.e. 4 float channels).
Image is stored in memory wholly. It means driver can allocate significant amount of memory.
Plugin saves picture in 32 bit float format. Subject to change in future.
=========================================================== Node parameters:
- STRING filename (default = output.tif) - Output filename. Image writing is handled by OpenImageIO
- STRING filter (default = gaussian) - Pixel samples filter (before RHF filter). Plugin uses filters from OpenImageIO library
- FLOAT filter_width (default = 2) - Size of pixel samples filter
- FLOAT threshold (default = 1) - Distance threshold for RHF filter (k parameter in paper). This parameter affects blurriness of filtered image.
- INT patch_size (default = 1) - Radius of comparison pixel patch (w parameter). Real size is window of (2 * patch_size + 1)x(2 * patch_size + 1) pixels.
- INT search_window_size (default = 6) - Radius of search window (b parameter). Real size is window of (2 * search_window_size + 1)x(2 * search_window_size + 1) pixels.
- INT scales (default = 2) - Number of scales n_s. Multiple scales of input picture is used for filtering low-frequency noises.
- INN knn (default=2) - Minimum number of nearest neighbor patches with similiar colors (i.e. with minimal chi^2 distance).