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Hero Mansion and the Presence of a Hero

Catalin Novgorodschi edited this page Jun 11, 2019 · 1 revision


In the original T3.6, hero can be controlled from any village as long as you send them there as reinforcements. In this version, you actually need a Hero's Mansion to be standing before you can treat your hero as a Hero :)

New Mechanics

Since Hero is a really valuable and important part of Travian, he deserves to be treated as such. That includes the castle-like-looking Hero's Mansion that should be part of any and all your villages! If you don't want your Hero to be treated just like any other reinforcement, that it.

Whenever you send your Hero as a reinforcement, he will either become one or move to that village, depending whether a Hero's Mansion is in existence there. If there's not, he will become a reinforcement. If there is, he will become a titled Hero with all the benefits, such as the ability to march from that village to conquer oasis or into battles with your other units that are present there.

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