This is a Java Music Library App with SQL Database that perform various CRUD operations on SQL DB and plays Music. User can perform various tasks shown in the requirements below.
You need to have JDK installed with a preferred compiler (I'm using IntelliJ Idea Community Edition 2019)
- Open the Downloaded Project folder in the Compiler.
- Open 'MusicApp' from 'src' folder, its the main file of the project.
- On the tool tab, There is an arrow symbol, press that and it will the project.
- Console will open listing various reqiurements that can be used. (If there's an error of not connecting with SQL Database, then create your own Database on SQL, sample music can be copied from music.txt to created SQL Database. Then give your database path to the MusicApp)
- R1 - View the Database (All Songs, Albums, Artists, Relationship between Each of them is Shown)
- R1.1 - View a list of all the artists in the library.
- R1.2 - View a list of all the albums in the library.
- R3 - Edit Songs, Artists or Albums
- R4 - View a list of all the songs by a particular artist.
- R5 - View a list of all the songs on a particular album.
- R6 - Add songs to and remove them from the library.
- R7 - Add artists to and remove them from songs.
- R8 - Add songs to and remove them from albums.
- R9 - Play a Song