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The Movie Breakdown Data Visualisation

The Movie Breakdown is an interactive, and responsive dashboard page to visualise movie data from 2000 to 2013 visualising 17,986 movies. Site Showcase

To note: there seems to be an issue between JavaScript and the Am I responsive website which is causing the charts to not appear in the above screenshots.

Technologies Used:

User stories:

  • As a first-time user, I want it to be apparent the purpose of the Website, and is clear on how to use.
  • As a first-time user, I want to see the titles of each chart to easily understand what data I am analysing.
  • As a user of the Website, I want to analyse data as well as get high level overviews.
  • As a mobile device user, I want a minimal version of the website for high level overviews only.
  • As an accessible user I want to be able to skip navigations and recurring content by choice.
  • As an accessible user I want to be able to access the data in tabular format.
  • As a recurring accessible user I want my accessibility preferences saved to improve my experience.
  • As a user I want my reduced motion preferences adhered to.

Features & Accessibility Features:

As a developer accessibility is very important to me, and I strive to push myself to become more mindful of accessibility needs and take an accessibility first approach, while some of the tables are lengthy, the principal of building a dashboard that is accessibility friendly have been learned as well as the idea of building a new page that is dedicated to accessibility has also been learned during my research into this.

  • Loading Screen:

    Loading screen appears while content is loading, within the JavaScript I used the eventListener "load" as oppposed to "DomContentLoaded" as I wanted the JavaScript file to render also. There is a slight animation on the "o" that is in the shape of a doughnut chart style.

  • Error Screen:

    Errpr message screen Errpr message console screen

    In the event that a user does receive an error the error message has instructions on what actions to take (refresh page) and if that continues to fail, there is a call to action within the error(mail:to link) The error is also intentinoally logged to the console. I remvoed the error details from the screen as to not include "technical jargon" to the user.

  • Selection Change

    Selection Change Highlight

    The ::selection pseudo-element has also been updated, as this improves contrast ratio, as the standard "royalblue" selection did not provide enough contrast

  • Reduced Motion As you can see in the below video that the counters increment, but if the user has a prefers reduced motion set, these do not increment and are instead static. As the numbers increment this would of course leave a poor user expierence for screenreaders as if a screenreader is counting incremenet would be very confusing, an aria-label with the value is added to each card, as aria-label will take priority over the numbers displayed.

    • If the user has a preference set for reduced motion, the animations are slowed down, and overall animation is reduced. This is to reduce animations that can make users nauseous (vestibular dysfunction) to test this in Chrome
      1. Go to Inspect
      2. Select the 3 dots beside the X for close
      3. Select “Run command”
      4. Search for “Reduced”
      5. Click the “Do not emulate CSS prefers-reduced-motion”
      6. Refresh the page, and you will notice that the animation does not run.
      7. To undo this open the site in a new tab.
    • Tooltips

      The below tool tips were custom build using JavaScript functions as the standard Chart.JS tooltips did not accurately convey a summary of the data shown

      The line chart hover tool tip - which highlights the year, and number of movies released

      line Chart ToolTips

      The bar chart hover tool tip which highlights the movie genre and the number of movies released

      Bar Chart ToolTips

      The scatterplot chart hover tool tip

      Scatter Plot ToolTips

    • Skip to Content link

      When tabbing through the site the user will be preseneted with a skip to content link which bypasses the header section and is linked to <main>

      Skip to content link

    • Accessibility Preferences When tabbling through the site the user will be presented with accessibility settings, in which they are turn these on or off as needed. the settings are saved in local storage so that for returning users the preferences are saved. If the user either enables or disables the tables, the radio button will be presented with the alternate option IE If the user has accessibility tables enabled the radio will display "off", and if the user has the accessibliity tables disabled the radio will display "on". Enable Accessibility Tables

      Disable Accessibility Tables

      Chome Development Tools local storage

    Each chart has an accessilbity table which will update as the charts update:

    Data table on load:

    Data table on load

    Date table on update:

    Data table when updated

    • Chart Drill-down Each chart has a drill-down "slider" option which on input will filter the data to the year and prodcue an updated chart. the <input> type for range was used here as it controls both the charts and the data tables, and I did not include click events on the <canvas> element intionally as to give the same expierence. When the chart slider is moved the current filtered year is presented, as well as the chart title is updated accorindly.

    Line chart on load

    For the intital movies by year line chart, on input this updates to a bar chart that drills down into the genres of movies for the current year. Bar chart movies by genre

    Also for desktop each individual card is updated on input change.

    Cards summarising movie details

    Movies by language chart: Doughnut chart movies by language

    Chart when updated: Doughnut chart movies by language for year

    Scatterplot on laod: Scatterplot chart movies revenue and vote average

    Scatterplot on update:

    Scatterplot chart movies revenue and vote average for year

    • Mobile users

    As mobile phones have limited capability compared to desktop / laptop on mobile there are only a few features, this is to preserve "real-estate" for the mobile phone, but also the primary purpose of the site is a dashboard and the data should be telling the story here, for this reason I have only included the charts in the mobile version, the images, image animations, and cards are not displayed on mobile devices and the site is pared back to almost the minimum viable product. On mobile devices the dashboard can still be filtered by year, this functionality has not been removed.

    movies by year line chart phone

    movies by languge doughnut chart phone

    Scatterplot on mobile

    Validator testing


    HTML Code Warning Aria Label is not misused due the span of the loading I wanted to overwrite this to provide context to the user. Although ScreenReaders do acknowledge when the page is loaded I still wished to provide context to the user and I do not believe this to be misused, aria live polite was also added to ensure that the message is only read when there is a prolonged loading time.


    CSS Code Valid


    Regarding D3, ChartJS (Chart), and Anime these variables do not need to be defined as they are imported directly from the libraries.

    JSHint Website Undefined variables

    Using Wave I have found that there are no contrast issues, but this is to measure background and text, as Chartjs uses Canvas with no "text background" I have also used Colblindor to measure the accessibility of the canvas elements

    Wave Accessiblity Score Screen

    Colour Scheme:

    Colours used in CSS:

    Colour scheme used on site background foreground

    Colours used in JavaScript for ChartJS

    Colour scheme used on Canvas Elements for charts Colour scheme used on Canvas Elements for charts Colour scheme used on Canvas Elements for charts



    Website wireframe desktop view top CWebsite wireframe desktop view middle Website wireframe desktop view end


    Some tests will be marked as N/A as they cannot be tested (eg tabbing)

    Testing Description Result Chrome Result Chrome Mobile Result Firefox Result Firefox Mobile Result Safari Tablet
    Website Loads Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
    Loading Screen Appears Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
    Error Screen Appears (on error only) Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
    Increment counter does not run prefers reduced motion Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
    Accessibility Tables on tab Pass N/A Pass N/A N/A
    Accessibility Tables preferences saves Pass N/A Pass N/A N/A
    Accessibility Tables load without reloading the page Pass N/A Pass N/A N/A
    Skip to content link works Pass N/A Pass N/A N/A
    Input ranges adjust chart 1 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
    Input ranges adjust chart 2 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
    Input ranges adjust chart 3 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
    Input ranges adjusts accessibility tables 1 Pass N/A Pass N/A N/A
    Input ranges adjusts accessibility tables 2 Pass N/A Pass N/A N/A
    Input ranges adjusts accessibility tables 3 Pass N/A Pass N/A N/A
    Tables load with accessibility preferences on Pass N/A Pass N/A N/A
    Tables do not load with accessibility preferences off Pass N/A Pass N/A N/A
    Input ranges adjust chart title 1 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
    Input ranges adjust chart title 2 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
    Input ranges adjust chart title 3 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
    Input ranges adjust chart year output tag chart 1 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
    Input ranges adjust chart year output tag chart 2 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
    Input ranges adjust chart year output tag chart 3 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
    Input ranges adjusts all cards (input 1) Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
    Input ranges adjusts all cards (input 2) Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
    Input ranges adjusts all cards (input 3) Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
    Monster Animation runs Pass N/A Pass N/A N/A
    images appear Pass N/A Pass N/A N/A
    Data source website opens in new tab Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass


    The primary font of the site is Noto Serif, this was used as it has a variety of weights and styles available for the site, and it was chosen as it could be dynamic in weights and styles with 600 and 400 weights being used

    Noto Serif Font weight 400 Noto Serif Font weight 600

    Chartjs Fonts used:

    The default fonts for Chartjs are Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif I did not adjust these as I found the contrast in the fonts to be more visually appealing


    Website wireframe mobile view top CWebsite wireframe mobile view middle Website wireframe mobile view end


    Overall I'm pleased with the lighthouse reports for the site, mobile performace is more than understandable given the dataset being processed. In terms of the desktop best-practices section, this is for the "monster" image that pops up behind the bar / line chart as the image is not seen, I am not overly concerned with this update.


    Lighthouse report Desktop site overview Lighthouse report Desktop site performance details Website wireframe Desktop site best-practices discussesd above


    Lighthouse report Mobile site overview performance disucessed above



    The website was deployed using GitHub Pages:

    1. In the GitHub repository navigate to the Settings tab
    2. On the left-hand menu select Pages
    3. For the source select Branch: main
    4. After the web page refreshes automatically you will see a ribbon on the top saying: Your site is live at

    You can for fork the repository:

    1. Go to the GitHub repository
    2. Click on Fork button in the upper right-hand corner
    3. Edit the repository name and description if desired
    4. Click the green create fork button

    You can clone the repository:

    1. Go to the GitHub repository
    2. Locate the green Code button above the list of files and click it
    3. Select if you prefer to clone using HTTPS, SSH, or Github CLI and click the copy button to copy the URL to your clipboard
    4. Open Git Bash
    5. Change the current working directory to the one where you want the cloned directory
    6. Type git clone and paste the URL from the clipboard ($ git clone
    7. Press Enter to create your local clone.
    8. You can run this repository locally:
    9. Go to the GitHub repository
    10. Locate the green Code button above the list of files and click it
    11. From the dropdown menu select download Zip.
    12. Download and open the zip file to run in an editor


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