Creating a GitHub repository to practice and document my Docker learnings.
Basic command:
Build Docker Image: docker build -t <image_name>
Run Docker image in a container: docker run -p <public_port>:8080 <image_name>
Created a simple dockerfile to build docker image for a jar file.
docker build command: docker build -t <image_name> .
docker run command: docker container run -p <public_port>:8080 <image_name>
Deploy war file to docker container.
Dockerfile, pull tomcat-image for a particular java version.
Tomcat default files will be there in webapss folder.
Remove them and place your war file in that location.
So that will be rendered.
Docker build command: docker build -t tomcat-war-app .
Docker container run command: docker container run -p 80:8080 tomcat-war-app
Deploy spring-boot-application to docker container.
ARG parameter is used to accept argument for dockerfile.
Docker build command:
docker build -t spring-boot-image --build-arg SPRING_PROFILE=dev .
Docker container run command:
docker container run -p 80:8080 -e SPRING_PROFILE=dev spring-boot-image