- .NET v8+ installed on your local machine.
- SQL Server installed on your local machine or running on a server.
- Azure Blob Storage with a container created.
- Application Insights resource created.
- SendGrid account with an API key and a verified sender email.
- Authentication Server setup and running.
Save the connection strings for the SQL Server database, Application Insights resource and Azure Blob Storage container as well as the API key and sender email for SendGrid. You will need these values to configure the application.
Clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/CS3203-SEP-21-Group-22/IMS-Backend.git
Navigate to the project directory.
cd IMS-Backend
Checkout to the development branch.
git checkout dev
Navigate to the
directory.cd IMS.Presentation
Restore missing packages (optional but recommended).
dotnet restore
Create a new file named
with the following content. Replace values in Uppercase with values you saved in the prerequisites step. For QRToken Secret, you can use any random string.{ "AllowedHosts": "*", "ConnectionStrings": { "DBConnection": "CONNECTON_STRING_OF_YOUR_SQL_SERVER_DATABASE", "ApplicationInsights": "CONNECTON_STRING_OF_YOUR_APPLICATION_INSIGHTS_RESOURCE" }, "AuthenticationServer": { "Endpoint": "URL_OF_YOUR_AUTHENTICATION_SERVER", "ClientId": "CLIENT_ID_REGISTERED_IN_AUTHENTICATION_SERVER", "ClientSecret": "CLIENT_SECRET_REGISTERED_IN_AUTHENTICATION_SERVER" }, "Jwt": { "Key": "CLIENT_SECRET_REGISTERED_IN_AUTHENTICATION_SERVER", "Issuer": "JwtIssuer", "Audience": "JwtAudience", "Subject": "JwtSubject" }, "AzureBlobStorage": { "ContainerName": "NAME_OF_YOUR_AZURE_BLOB_STORAGE_CONTAINER", "ConnectionString": "CONNECTON_STRING_OF_YOUR_AZURE_BLOB_STORAGE" }, "EmailClient": { "APIKey": "API_KEY_OF_YOUR_EMAIL_SERVICE_PROVIDER", "SenderEmail": "EMAIL_ADDRESS_OF_THE_SENDER" }, "QRToken": { "Secret": "SECRET_FOR_GENERATING_QR_TOKENS" }, "Logging": { "LogLevel": { "Default": "Information", "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning" } } }
Apply database migrations by running the following command.
dotnet ef database update
Run the following command to start the application.
dotnet run