Model for identification of Positive/Negative Sentiments in texts using Multi-Layer Perceptron built using Keras API running on TensorFlow. This model is then saved in protobuf format(.pb) and the variables are frozen & saved so that it can be served as a RESTful service using Tensorflow Serving.
- The tweets and their corresponding sentiments are read from 'Sentiment Analysis Dataset.csv'
- The tweets are tokenized, vectorized and encoded using TfidfVectorizer from sklearn.feature_extraction.text
- Then the K-Best Features are selected using chi2 statistical function which takes the encoded tweets and labels as input and calculates the importance score of feature.
- Then the enocoded tweets are transformed so that only the K-Best features are retained.
- Then MLP is defined and compiled which consists of 4 layers: 2 Dense and 2 Dropout
- 1st Dense Layer consists of 32 neurons and uses 'relu' activation function.
- 2nd Dense Layer consists of 1 neurons and uses 'sigmoid' activation function.
- Then using the encoded tweets, we train the contructed model.
- Once trained, this model can be used to predict the sentiment behind any text entered by the user.
- This model is then saved in the protobuf format and the variables are frozen and saved using the 'save_model_for_production' function.
Steps for serving the model as a RESTful Service:
- git clone
- cd serving/tensorflow_serving/tools/docker
- git clone
- cd tensorflow_serving_tutorial
- docker build --pull -t test-tensorflow-serving .
- docker run -it -p 8500:8500 -p 8501:8501 -v /home/exacon02/Models/:/home/ test-tensorflow-serving (ie instead of '/home/exacon02/Models/', use the path to where '/Sentiment' directory is located.)
- tensorflow_model_server --port=8500 --rest_api_port=8501 --model_config_file=/home/models.conf (ie models.conf file should be located in the same directory as the '/Sentiment' directory.)
- This starts the RESTful Service which hosts the model.
- POST requests can be sent to url 'http://localhost:8501/v1/models/Sentiment/versions/1:predict' to obtain the corresponding prediction.