This repository contains example code and resources for Spark on Yarn session. Follow the below steps to clone code and setup your machine.
- Java
- Maven 3
- Hadoop 2.0+
- Yarn
git clone
mvn clean install
We have to run the program by generating the jar and submitting to the hadoop cluster.
Follow the following steps to run the example.
This folder will hold the jar built in the build step. As we discussed earlier, the jar containing application master has to be in HDFS in order to add as a local resource.
hdfs dfs -mkdir /jars
Copy the jar from your local file system to HDFS.
hdfs dfs -put <jar-path> /jars
Replace jar-path with absolute path to jar on you system. Also put appropriate values for namenode-host and namenode-port. The last parameter specifies number of containers.
hadoop jar <jar-path> com.madhukaraphatak.yarn.helloworld.Client hdfs://<namenode-host:namenode-port>/jars/yarn-helloworld-scala-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 1