New module : Macropore and drain discharge and pesticide transport
Original author : Shenglan Lu
Github link :
Branch name : feature/drainPST
SWAT code base version : 664
Filename(s) | Key content/functionality of subroutine(s) | comments |
macroflow.f90 | computes preferential flow from macropores | |
macropst.f90 | computes soluble pesticide that leach to the tile drains via macropore | |
macrosed.f90 | computes sediment transport to the tile drains via macropore | |
macrosed_pst.f90 | computes sediment bound pesticide that leach to the tile drains via macropore | |
pestdrain.f90 | computes soluble pesticide lost from tile drain | |
tilesplit.f90 | computes fraction of the tile drain flow from each soil layer |
Filename(s) | Key content/functionality added to existing subroutine(s) | comments |
allocate_parms.f | allocate new parameters | |
layersplit.f | determine the soil layer number of the wet layer | |
modparm.f | add new parameters | |
percmain.f | call macroflow and tilesplit module | |
pestlch.f | calculate soluble pesticide concentration in soil, call macropst and pestdrain module. | |
pesty.f | call macrosed_pst module | |
readbsn.f | read new input parameters, including calibration parameters and flags to turn on pestdrain and macropore | overwrite original swat bacterial parameters |
sim_initday.f | reset variables daily | |
soil_phys.f | compute maximum detachable sediment pool for macropore sediment | |
subbasin.f | call macrosed module | |
sumv.f | add macropore sediment to sediment yield, summarize pesticide from tile drains | |
varinit.f | initialize variables | |
virtual.f | route tile drain pesticide to rivers | |
zero0.f | initialize variables |
Parameter name(s) | Replacing which existing parameter in which file* incl. on/off switches | comments |
macro_fr | WDPQ in basin.bsn | fraction of saturated soil water content, condisiton for macropre onset (ranging from 0-1) |
dep_wet | WGPQ in basin.bsn | depth of wet layers (range depend on input soil depth) |
kr | WDLPQ in basin.bsn | macropore sediment replenishment rate coefficient (not calibrated, last value 4) |
filt | WGLPQ in basin.bsn | macropore sediment filtering when reaching tile drains (ranging 0-1) |
k_theta | WDPS in basin.bsn | Michaelis-Menton half-saturation constant for the macropore flow fraction (default value 0.5, ranging 0-1) |
percot | wgps in basin.bsn | soluble pesticide concentration in macropore and tile drain flow (similar concept with percop for surface runoff) (ranging from 0-1) |
ifast | new line at the end of bansin.bsn | switch for macropore module, 0 off 1 on |
ipest | new line at the end of bansin.bsn | switch for soluble pesticide leaching module, 0 off 1 on |
*for the purpose of SWATCUP calibration
New module : Soluble phosphorus transport from tile drains
Original author : Shenglan Lu
Github link :
Branch name : feature/drainP
SWAT code base version : 664
Filename(s) | Key content/functionality of subroutine(s) | comments |
soilPout.f90 | sum soil P for whole soil profile and print soil P budget | |
soilplch.f90 | compute soluble P leaching, transport in surface runoff, tile drains and lost from soil profile | use soil salinity input (sol_ec in .chm) for the phosphorus bounding material (Alox + Feox) |
tilqsplit.f90 | computes fraction of the tile drain flow from each soil layer |
Filename(s) | Key content/functionality added to existing subroutine(s) | comments |
allocate_parms.f | allocate new parameters | |
header.f | add header tile P in daily hru level output | |
hruday.f90 | add tilep output at hru level, call soilPout module | |
hrumon.f | route tile p at monthly hru level | overwrite crackflow output |
modparm.f | add new parameters | |
percmain.f | call tilesplit module | |
readbsn.f | read in new input parameters for calibration and flag for drainP | overwrite swat bacterial parameter |
readfile.f | create soil P content (soilP.out) and soil P budget output file(soilPbudget.out) | only daily output |
readyr.f | correct point source input when point source input starting year is later than simulation starting year | otherwise the point source is not loaded |
sim_initday.f | initialize subbasin level tile p | |
subaa.f | sum soluble p from tile drains and ground water | |
subbasin.f | call solplch module | |
submon.f | sum soluble p from tile drains and ground water | |
subyr.f | sum soluble p from tile drains and ground water | |
sumv.f | sum soluble p from surface runoff, tile drains and ground water | |
varinit.f | initialize variables | |
virtual.f | route soluble p from tile drains to the stream | |
zero0.f | initialize variable |
Parameter name(s) | Replacing which existing parameter in which file* incl. on/off switches | comments |
k_langmuir | WDPQ in basin.bsn | Langmuir adsorption constant (l mg-1) (range 0.5-2.4) |
Qmax_beta | WGPQ in basin.bsn | Maximum adsorption fraction (range 0.06-0.23) |
itilep | new line at the end of the basin.bsn file | switch for drainP module, 0 off 1 on |
*for the purpose of SWATCUP calibration
Notice: Benthic sediment nutirent dynamics and interaction with water colum not tested
New module : Macrophytes in SWAT rivers
Original author : Shenglan Lu
Github link :
Branch name : feature/macrophyte
SWAT code base version : 664
Filename(s) | Key content/functionality of subroutine(s) | comments |
bedsediment.f90 | computes P and N in river benthic sediment | |
macrophyte.f90 | computes in-stream macrophyte growth | also change mannings N |
Filename(s) | Key content/functionality added to existing subroutine(s) | comments |
allocate_parms.f | allocate new parameters | |
modparm.f | add new parameters | |
rchinit.f | initialize variable for sediment resuspension (rchdy(61, jrch)) | |
readbsn.f | flag for macrophyte growth and maximum solar radiation | |
readpnd.f | basin level input for benthic sediment parameters and macrophyte growth | |
readrte.f | initialize sediment P and P values | Not complete |
route.f | reset sediment resuspension, call macrophyte and bedsediment module | |
rtday.f | assign hydraulic radius for each channel | |
rthsed.f | initialize variable for sediment resuspension (rchdy(61, jrch)) | |
rtout.f | write macrophyte biomass and sediment resuspension in the output | overwrite reacted pesticide in swat |
rtsed.f | assign sediment resuspension | |
rtsed_bagnold.f | assign sediment resuspension | |
rtsed_kodatie.f | assign sediment resuspension | |
rtsed_Molinas_Wu.f | assign sediment resuspension | |
rtsed_yandsand.f | assign sediment resuspension | |
sim_initday.f | reset variables | |
zero.f | initialize variables |
Parameter name(s) | Replacing which existing parameter in which file* incl. on/off switches | comments |
k_n_m | PND_PSA in .pnd file | Michaelis-Menton half-saturation constant for nitrogen for macrophyte growth (mg N g-2) (range 0.01 -0.03) |
k_p_m | PND_PVOL in .pnd file | Michaelis-Menton half-saturation constant for phosphor for macrophyte growth (mg P g-2) (range 0.006 � 0.03) |
SefSma | PND_ESA in .pnd file | Self-shading for macrophyte growth (g DW m-2) (range 10-30) |
death | PND_EVOL in .pnd file | Death rate due to flow (range 0.008-0.015) |
grmax | PND_VOL in .pnd file | Macrophyte growth rate at 20 °C (range 0.4-0.7) |
minDeath | PND_ORGN in .pnd file | Minimum death rate due to respiration (range 0.01-0.04) |
max_biomass | PND_ORGP in .pnd file | Maximum macrophyte biomass within a stream (g DW m -2) (range 220-300) |
difpo4 | PND_SED in .pnd file | Never calibrated or initialized. Mol soluble reactive phosphorus diffusion constant (m-2day-1) |
difno3 | PND_NSED in .pnd file | Never calibrated or initialized. Mol NO3 diffusion constant (m-2day-1) |
diffnh4 | PND_K in .pnd file | Never calibrated or initialized. Mol NH4 diffusion constant (m-2day-1) |
minrate | IFLOD1 in .pnd file | Never calibrated or initialized. Nitrogen mineralization rate |
nitrate | IFLOD2 in .pnd file | Never calibrated or initialized. Nitrogen nitrification rate |
pfr | PSETLP1 in .pnd file | Never calibrated or initialized. Fraction of phosphorus in macrophyte |
nfr | PSETLP2 in .pnd file | Never calibrated or initialized. Fraction of nitrogen in macrophyte |
nh4sed | NSETLP1 in .pnd file | Never calibrated or initialized. Initial amount of ammonia in river bed sediment porus water |
no3sed | NSETLP2 in .pnd file | Never calibrated or initialized. Initial amount of nitrate in river bed sediment porus water |
srpsed | CHLAP in .pnd file | Never calibrated or initialized. Initial amount of solute reactive phosphuros in bed sediment porus water |
kd | SECCIP in .pnd file | Never calibrated or initialized. Ability of sediment absorbing phosphorus from surrounding substance |
ma_biomass | PND_NO3 in .pnd file | Never calibrated or initialized. Initial macrophyte biomass |
imacrophyte | new line at the end of basin.bsn | switch for macrophyte module, 0 off 1 on |
radmax | new line at the end of basin.bsn | maximum solar radiation, input parameter. Difficult to determine during SWAT simulation, because swat does not read all weather input data before simulation. |
*for the purpose of SWATCUP calibration