a simple 3d software renderer in < 1000 lines of C.
The goal of this project was to demonstrate a basic 3d software renderer in a minimal amount of code while still maintaining good code style and legibility.
It may not be particularly well-optimized or bug-free, but it gets the idea across, and hopefully could be a resource or inspiration for someone else's project.
- 6 DOF (degrees of freedom) camera
- Perspective projection
- Affine texture mapping
- .obj + .mtl importer
- Seams and other visible artifacts on triangles (use a different algorithm to find edges, eg bresenham's line algorithm)
- Entire triangles are culled when one point falls behind the camera (a better method would be to clip triangles against the planes of the view frustum)
- Affine texture mapping causes issues on near triangles (use perspective texture mapping instead)
- .obj + .mtl importer is imperfect (many material properties are unused, certain mesh data is unused)
You will need SDL2 to build the project. (https://www.libsdl.org/download-2.0.php)
If you want to, you can also easily port to a different window/input library.
Nearly all of the SDL2-specific code is in crap.c / crap.h.
You will need SDL_image to compile the app with support for textures -DTEXTURES
Place the headers/libs for SDL2 under a folder named external
, then run build.bat from the Visual Studio command prompt.
Install the latest version of xcode and the SDL2 Framework, then run build.sh.
Install dev packages for SDL2 (and optionally SDL2_image) from your favorite repository, then simply run the following command:
gcc src/*.c -w -lSDL2 -lm
With textures:
gcc -DTEXTURES src/*.c -w -lSDL2_image -lm
Drag a wavefront .obj file (3D model) onto the executable from your file manager, or specify a path to it as an argument.
By default, the program tries to load the file from mesh/cube.obj
You can fly around and inspect the model with WASDQE and the numpad keys (or IJKLUO keys if the numpad is unavailable).
Reach out to sheridan.rathbun@gmail.com with comments, suggestions, etc.