The reporting time of the event is 9:00 A.M. on 15th October, 2017 at the PDSIT Labs, Main Building, IIEST Shibpur. It will be a 90 minutes contest which will be hosted on Github.
Timing of the event: 9:45 A.M. - 11:15 A.M.
- Those who have opted for partcipation in onsite venue is requested to reach the said venue by 9:00 A.M.
- Those who have opted for sit - at - home participation are requested to make their payments through Paytm prior to 9:45 AM, else participation stands cancelled. The registered candidates will be able to access the Contest Link at 9:45 A.M. Someone facing problems with the portal or submission may contact the coordinators for the same.
- Submission uploaded after 11:15 A.M. will be counted as an invalid submission. No marks will be awarded for the same.
Its the first open source platform based event to be held in our campus and its all about Reverse Coding.
The contest will contain four problems:
- Problem - 1
- Problem - 2
- Problem - 3
- Problem - 4
Each of the problems will have a set of input cases and output cases.
Like if the input is this, then output will be this. At the end of the problem you will be given a question where an input value will be given and you have to figure out the output value.
The contest will be held here - Contest Link
Create an account on Github.
First when the link opens up, fork the repository. You can see the fork button on the upper right hand side of the main repository which we call the master repository. Once you have forked it, you will have a copy of the repository under your github account. Its like having a exact copy of birthday cake prepared by some one else.
Browse through each of the problems. Try to solve them first on your IDE in any language. Once you have solved the problem, say problem 1 create a new branch in your forked repository by the problem_name
You can see the branch button on top left corner. Once you have created that branch, submit your solution output in the appropriate manner. See below
- In order to submit your solution, create a folder with your GitHub username under submission folder followed by the folder named after the respective problem and submit only your output file for the given input in the question.
For example:
Create folder (preferred username) in the directory submission: submission/prateekiiest
Inside the new folder, create the folder named after the respective problem followed by your submission :
- Once you have created your output file for the respective problem, you will see a green color button at the top of your forked repository saying 'Compare and Pull Request'.
Click on it to push your changes to the master repo. Its like decorating your own copy of the birthday cake and asking the main baker to update the changes in his cake.
- You created your first Pull Request. Next for other problems, create again a new branch from master and repeat the above steps accordingly.
See here how I have created 2 branches for 2 separate problems - My Code
Click on 'Fork' on the top right corner of the repository page
Top left corner see branch option. Click on it and write the new branch name (problem_name you are solving).
Create a new branch with a Relevant name
Update the files you want to change
Fill up the details and submit the pull request.