Open Source Software used in Siv3D The license information will be shown by pressing F1 key while running Siv3D application. Name Version Abseil 20230802.1 AngelCode Scripting Library 2.35.1 asio 1.22.1 Anti-Grain Geometry 2.4 Boost 1.74.0 Box2D 2.4.1 Catch2 v2.13.6 cereal CoreRT concaveman-cpp cpptoml v0.1.1 cpu_features v0.6.0 DirectXTK April 6, 2021 DirectXMath January 2022 DirectX Mesh Geometry Library June 9, 2021 double-conversion v3.1.5 Earcut 2.2.2 Easing Equations EnumBitmask v1.0 easyexif fmt 8.1.1 Font Awesome Free 5.15.2 FreeType 2.10.4 gif_load GIFLIB 5.2.1 GLEW 2.2.0 GLFW 3.3.2 GMGSx.sf2 GSL HarfBuzz 4.3.0 infoware v0.5.3 kld-polynomial levenshtein-sse libcurl 7.77.0 libjpeg-turbo 2.1.0 libmorton v0.2.12 libogg 1.3.4 libpng 1.6.37 libtiff v4.3.0 libvorbis 1.3.7 libwebp 1.2.0 Lua 5.4.2 lunasvg v2.3.1 M+ Fonts 063a Material Design Icons v7.2.96 miniutf minizip 2.9.2 Modern C++ JSON schema validator v2.2.0 msdfgen v1.10 muparser 2.3.3 nanoflann v1.4.2 Native File Dialog Extended nlohmann/json v3.10.5 Noto CJK v20201206 Noto Emoji v2.038 Obfuscate Oniguruma v6.9.5_rev1 OpenCV 4.5.1 Opus 1.3.1 opusfile 0.12 oscpack 1.1.0 par_octasphere par_shapes pffft plutovg qr-code-generator-library v1.7.0 Quirc Recast & Detour rectpack2D RtAudio 5.2.0 scope-guard v0.3.9 sdf-glyph-foundry Serial Communication Library SFMT 1.5.2 simde 0.7.2 skia 0.38.2 Sol2 v3.2.2 SoLoud SoundTouch 2.1.2 SplineLib Star Nest stb_truetype v1.24 stduuid v1.2.2 The Parallel Hashmap 1.3.8 tinycolormap tinyobjloader TinySoundFont TinyXML-2 8.0.0 Wicked Engine 0.56.34 WinToast Xoshiro-cpp v1.1 xxHash v0.8.0 zlib 1.2.11 Zstandard v1.5.1