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populateG | A Web Application To Populate Google Docs Template

Use the application to populate the your own Google Docs Template by using the data present in your Google Spreadsheets. Just tag your Document using the headers used in your Google Spreadsheets.

See the example of the Template Document and the Data Spreadsheet: here

Try it here

Note: As the Google Oauth client is set in a Global variable. The deployment can only process or work with a single user at a point of time if multiple users are trying to use at the same time, the user arriving at the last will only be able to use the service, others will get the error as the deployment now has the Google drive access for the last user's account.

And as the project was just meant to solve my simple problem of rendering template using sheet's data, I never changed it. It's just one of my problem-solving experiments.

Sample Example

How to use populateG

How to tag the template?

As shown in above gif, to create template, you have to tag your document with the headers specified in your spreadsheet by enclosing them into 2 curly braces, {{.

Like, if the header is name, then use {{name}} as the tag.

Run Locally

Just, setup GoLang in your system.
And Run go get or just clone the repo. Now, run go run . in the project.
If in $GOPATH use GO111MODULE=on go run ., see ./init.go file for environment variables setup.

Request for Contribution

Changes and improvements are more than welcome!!
Feel free to fork, create issues or pull a request.
And be sure to review the contributing guidelines and code of conduct.


The application, its design and code all are licensed under the MIT license.