- Creation of a mainnet fork via ganache-cli
- Running RPC commands to simulate ETH transfer from Vitalik's account.
- Homework 17 of Encode Club bootcamp by ETHDenver.
Using Ganache:
Run Ganache-CLI:
npx ganache --fork https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/<YOUR_KEY>@16690099 --unlock 0x1Db3439a222C519ab44bb1144fC28167b4Fa6EE6
Where 16690099 is the block number for #2 example screenshot. It's optional and can be removed.
Run the script with ganache network option:
npx hardhat --network ganache run scripts/deploy.ts
Or using Infura Mainnet Fork:
- Run the script with hardhat (forking) network option:
npx hardhat --network hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts
- Run the script with hardhat (forking) network option: