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Project Name Cohort
IdeaBox, A Rails Mini-Project
Nikhil Shahi
1801 BE, Mod 2

Project: IdeaBox

This purpose of this project is to create an app that lets users record their ideas. The project is hosted on Heroku. Screenshots for some of the pages along with the project guidelines follow.


Landing Page


Login Page


Welcome Page


Admin Images Index Page


User Ideas Index Page


User Idea Show Page


Project Guidelines


  • An idea can be created, edited and destroyed only by the user that created it.
  • When a user types a new idea into the form, there is a selection dropdown for choosing the correct category. See Categories below for more information.


  • Ideas belong to a category.
  • Categories can be created and destroyed by a logged-in admin user (regular logged in users cannot create categories).
  • Categories can be destroyed by a logged-in admin user (regular logged in users cannot destroy categories).


  • Users can add an image to their own idea.
  • An image can have many ideas and an idea can have many images.
  • Images can only be created by an admin user.

Authentication and Authorization

  • Users need to log in to see their ideas.
  • Users can only see their own ideas -- they should not be able to visit another user's page.
  • Users cannot create ideas for other users.
  • Users cannot create new categories -- only the admin can do that.
  • Users cannot create images -- only the admin can do that; however, a user can assign an image to their idea.
  • Visitors can create user accounts.

User Experience

  • The application has been styled.
  • The application uses a balanced, considered color scheme.
  • The application implements a font (that is not the default font).
  • The application utilizes a nav bar.
  • The style shows evidence of intentional layout.
  • Space and text is balanced. White space is used to visually separate content.
  • The application is easily usable. The user can intuitively navigate between different portions of the application without manually entering the URL into the nav-bar or using the back button on their browser.


  • Properly implements a one-to-many relationship
  • Properly implements a many-to-many relationship
  • Utilizes primary and foreign keys appropriately

Code Quality

  • Logic lives in the appropriate files
  • Methods are refactored and follow SRP
  • Naming follows convention


  • Project has a running test suite
  • Test suite includes robust feature tests
  • Test suite includes tests for validations
  • Test suite includes tests for methods that they have created on the models