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Generating Payroll Project (Py)

import json def addEmployee(): try: #execption pseudocode with open("APU_Assignment.json", 'r') as FILE: #find the file name and read it file_content = if not file_content.strip(): #if there is no any character inside Employees_data = {} #create a dictionary else: Employees_data = json.loads(file_content) #if information exist, it will read the content except FileNotFoundError: #avoid the error of if "Apu_assignment" file did not exist Employees_data = {} #if not exist it will create a dictionary

while True: #looping
    month = input("Please enter the month you want to enter:").capitalize()
    if month not in Employees_data:
        Employees_data[month] = []

    while True:
        add_employees = input(f"Do you want to add new employees data? (yes/no)").lower()
        if add_employees != 'yes':
        Name = input("Please enter employee name: ")
        Emp_ID = input("Please enter employee ID: ")
        Department = input("Please enter the department you belong to: ")
        Basic_Salary = int(input("Please enter the basic salary: "))
        Allowance = int(input("Please enter the allowance: "))
        Bonus = int(input("Please enter the bonus: "))
        OT = int(input("Please enter the OT: "))

        input_data = {
            'Name': Name,
            'Employee_ID': Emp_ID,
            'Department': Department,
            'Basic Salary': Basic_Salary,
            'Allowance': Allowance,
            'Bonus': Bonus,
            'OT': OT,


    additional_month = input("Do you want to continue add data for another month: (yes/no) ").lower()

    if additional_month != 'yes': #whether desire to repeat process

with open('APU_Assignment.json', 'w') as FILE:
    json.dump(Employees_data, FILE)

def generateSalary(): try: with open("APU_Assignment.json", 'r') as FILE: file_content = if not file_content.strip(): Employees_data = {} else: Employees_data = json.loads(file_content) except FileNotFoundError: Employees_data = {}

month_check = input("Which month of payslip you want to generate?\n").capitalize()
if month_check in Employees_data:
    check_employee = input("What is the employee ID you want to calculate?\n")
    employee_found = False

    for emp_data in Employees_data[month_check]:
        if check_employee == emp_data["Employee_ID"]:
            employee_found = True
            data = ['Commission (5% of total salary before EPF, below RM2000)',
                    'Tax (6% before EPF, Exceed RM 3000)',
                    'Net Salary',
                    'Total Salary',
                    'EPF (11%)'] #For updateEmployees' function

            for i in data:
                emp_data.pop(i, None)
            Total_sal = (emp_data.get('Basic Salary',0) + emp_data.get('Allowance', 0) + emp_data.get('Bonus', 0) +
                         emp_data.get('OT', 0))
            # print(Total_sal)
            if Total_sal < 2000:
                Commission = Total_sal * 0.05
                Total_salary = Total_sal + Commission
                EPF = Total_salary * 0.11
                Net_salary = Total_salary - EPF
                    'Total Salary': Total_sal,
                    'Commission (5% of total salary before EPF, below RM2000)': Commission,
                    'EPF (11%)': EPF,
                    "Net Salary": Net_salary
            elif Total_sal > 3000:
                tax = Total_sal * 0.06
                Total_salary = Total_sal - tax
                EPF = Total_salary * 0.11
                Net_salary = Total_salary - EPF
                    'Total Salary': Total_sal,
                    'Tax (6% before EPF, Exceed RM 3000)': tax,
                    'EPF (11%)': EPF,
                    "Net Salary": Net_salary
                Total_sal = Total_sal
                EPF = Total_sal * 0.11
                Net_salary = Total_sal - EPF
                    'Total Salary': Total_sal,
                    'EPF (11%)': EPF,
                    "Net Salary": Net_salary

    if not employee_found:
        print(f"Employee ID {check_employee} not found in {month_check}")

with open('APU_Assignment.json', 'w') as FILE:
    json.dump(Employees_data, FILE)

def update_employee(): try: with open("APU_Assignment.json", 'r') as FILE: file_content = if not file_content.strip(): Employees_data = {} else: Employees_data = json.loads(file_content) except FileNotFoundError: Employees_data = {} month_check = input("Which month of payslip you want to access? ").capitalize() if month_check in Employees_data: check_employee = input("What is the employee ID you want to change?")

    for emp_data in Employees_data[month_check]:
        if emp_data['Employee_ID'] == check_employee:
            print(f"What information you want to change?\n1.Name \n2.Department \n3.Salary \n4.Allowance "
                  f"\n5.Bonus \n6.OT")
            selection = int(input("Please enter your selection: \n"))
            if selection == 1:
                name = input("Enter updated Name: ")
                emp_data['Name'] = name

            elif selection == 2:
                Department = input("Enter updated Department: ")
                emp_data['Department'] = Department

            elif selection == 3:
                Basic_Salary = int(input("Please enter updated basic salary: "))
                emp_data.update({'Basic Salary': Basic_Salary})

            elif selection == 4:
                Allowance = int(input("Please enter update allowance: "))
                emp_data.update({'Allowance': Allowance})

            elif selection == 5:
                Bonus = int(input("Please enter updated bonus: "))
                emp_data.update({'Bonus': Bonus})

            elif selection == 6:
                OT = int(input("Please enter updated  OT: "))
                emp_data.update({'OT': OT})

                print("You select incorrect option")

            print(f"Employee ID {check_employee} updated successfully")
        print(f"Employee ID {check_employee} not found in {month_check}")
    print(f"No data available for {month_check}")

with open("APU_Assignment.json", "w") as FILE:
    json.dump(Employees_data, FILE)


def deleteEmployee(): try: with open("APU_Assignment.json", 'r') as FILE: file_content = if not file_content.strip(): Employees_data = {} else: Employees_data = json.loads(file_content) except FileNotFoundError: Employees_data = {}

month_check = input("Which month of payslip you want to access?\n").capitalize()
delete_employee = input("What is the employee ID you want to delete?\n")
if month_check in Employees_data:
    cleaned_employee_data = []

    for emp_data in Employees_data[month_check]:
        if emp_data['Employee_ID'] != delete_employee:

        print(f"Employee ID {delete_employee} deleted successfully")

    Employees_data[month_check] = cleaned_employee_data

    print(f"The Employee ID  {delete_employee}is not found in {month_check}")

with open("APU_Assignment.json", "w") as file:
    json.dump(Employees_data, file)

def search_Payslip(): try: with open("APU_Assignment.json", 'r') as FILE: file_content = if not file_content.strip(): Employees_data = {} else: Employees_data = json.loads(file_content) except FileNotFoundError: Employees_data = {}

month_check = input("Which month of payslip do you want to access?\n ").capitalize()

if month_check in Employees_data:
    employee_id = input("What is your employee ID\n")

    for emp_data in Employees_data[month_check]:
        # print("Current emp_data:", emp_data)
        if employee_id == emp_data['Employee_ID']:
            print("************** APU Sdn Bhd's Payroll***************")
            print(f"Payslip for the Month of {month_check}")
            print(f"Employee_ID: {employee_id}\t\t Employee Name: {emp_data['Name']}")
            print(f"Department: {emp_data['Department']}")
            print(f"Basic Salary: {emp_data['Basic Salary']}")
            print(f"Allowance: {emp_data['Allowance']}")
            print(f"Bonus: {emp_data['Bonus']}")
            print(f"OT: {emp_data['OT']}")
            print(f"Gross Salary: {emp_data['Total Salary']}")
            if "Commission (5% of total salary before EPF, below RM2000)" in emp_data:
                print(f"Add: Commission (5% of total salary before EPF, below RM2000): {emp_data['Commission (5% of total salary before EPF, below RM2000)']}")
            elif "Tax (6% before EPF, Exceed RM 3000)" in emp_data:
                print(f"Deduct: Tax (6% before EPF, Exceed RM 3000): {emp_data['Tax (6% before EPF, Exceed RM 3000)']}")
            print(f"Deduct: EPF (11%): {emp_data['EPF (11%)']}")
            print(f"Net Salary: {emp_data['Net Salary']}")
        print(f"The employee ID: {employee_id} is not found in {month_check}")
    print(f"It's unable to find {month_check} in APU Sdn Bhd's system")

def viewPaySlip(): try: with open("APU_Assignment.json", 'r') as FILE: file_content = if not file_content.strip(): Employees_data = {} else: Employees_data = json.loads(file_content) except FileNotFoundError: Employees_data = {}

month_check = input("Which month of payslip do you want to access?\n").capitalize()
employee_id = input("What is your employee ID\n")
printed_payslip = []

if month_check in Employees_data:

    for emp_data in Employees_data[month_check]:
        # print("Current emp_data:", emp_data)
        if employee_id == emp_data["Employee_ID"]:
            if "Commission (5% of total salary before EPF, below RM2000)" in emp_data:
                text = str(f"************** APU Sdn Bhd's Payroll***************\n" +
                        f"Payslip for the Month of {month_check}\n" +
                        f"Employee_ID: {employee_id}\t\t Employee Name: {emp_data['Name']}\n"+
                        f"Department: {emp_data['Department']}\n" +
                        f"Basic Salary: {emp_data['Basic Salary']}\n" +
                        f"Allowance: {emp_data['Allowance']}\n" +
                        f"Bonus: {emp_data['Bonus']}\n" +
                        f"OT: {emp_data['OT']}\n" +
                        f"Gross Salary: {emp_data['Total Salary']}\n" +
                        f"Add: Commission (5% of total salary before EPF, below RM2000): {emp_data['Commission (5% of total salary before EPF, below RM2000)']}\n"+
                        f"Deduct: EPF (11%): {emp_data['EPF (11%)']}\n" +
                        f"Net Salary: {emp_data['Net Salary']}"

            elif "Tax (6% before EPF, Exceed RM 3000)" in emp_data:
                text = str(f"************** APU Sdn Bhd's Payroll***************\n" +
                        f"Payslip for the Month of {month_check}\n" +
                        f"Employee_ID: {employee_id}\t\t Employee Name: {emp_data['Name']}\n"+
                        f"Department: {emp_data['Department']}\n" +
                        f"Basic Salary: {emp_data['Basic Salary']}\n" +
                        f"Allowance: {emp_data['Allowance']}\n" +
                        f"Bonus: {emp_data['Bonus']}\n" +
                        f"OT: {emp_data['OT']}\n" +
                        f"Gross Salary: {emp_data['Total Salary']}\n" +
                        f"Deduct: Tax (6% before EPF, Exceed RM 3000): {emp_data['Tax (6% before EPF, Exceed RM 3000)']}\n" +
                        f"Deduct: EPF (11%): {emp_data['EPF (11%)']}\n" +
                        f"Net Salary: {emp_data['Net Salary']}"
                text = str(f"************** APU Sdn Bhd's Payroll***************\n" +
                        f"Payslip for the Month of {month_check}\n" +
                        f"Employee_ID: {employee_id}\t\t Employee Name: {emp_data['Name']}\n"+
                        f"Department: {emp_data['Department']}\n" +
                        f"Basic Salary: {emp_data['Basic Salary']}\n" +
                        f"Allowance: {emp_data['Allowance']}\n" +
                        f"Bonus: {emp_data['Bonus']}\n" +
                        f"OT: {emp_data['OT']}\n" +
                        f"Gross Salary: {emp_data['Total Salary']}\n" +
                        f"Deduct: EPF (11%): {emp_data['EPF (11%)']}\n" +
                        f"Net Salary: {emp_data['Net Salary']}"


    # Employees_data[month_check] = printed_payslip
    file = open(f"Payslip of {month_check} for {employee_id}.txt", "w")

    print(f"The employee ID: {employee_id} is not found in {month_check}")

def exit(): try: with open("APU_Assignment.json", 'r') as FILE: file_content = if not file_content.strip(): Employees_data = {} else: Employees_data = json.loads(file_content) except FileNotFoundError: Employees_data = {}

file = open("APU_Assignment.json", "r")
for i in file:


print("************** APU Payroll***************") print("1. Employee Profile") print("2. Salary Generator") print("3. Pay Slip")

selection = int(input("Please enter your selection from the Menu:\n"))

if selection == 1: print("You have select employee profile") decision = int(input("Do you want to (1) add employee or (2) delete employee or (3) update employee's information\n")) if decision == 1: addEmployee() elif decision == 2: deleteEmployee() elif decision == 3: update_employee() elif selection == 2: print("You have select salary generator") generateSalary() elif selection == 3: print("You have select payslip") decision = int(input("Do you want to (1) search Payslip or (2) view Payslip\n")) if decision == 1: search_Payslip() elif decision == 2: viewPaySlip() elif selection == 4: print("You select the exit function and display the information") exit() #Clean the dataset

elif selection == 4:


with open("APU_Assignment.json", 'r') as FILE:

file_content =

if not file_content.strip():

Employees_data = {}


Employees_data = json.loads(file_content)

except FileNotFoundError:

Employees_data = {}


with open("APU_Assignment.json", "w") as file:

json.dump(Employees_data, file)

else: print("You select a wrong one")


print("You select a wrong one")

file = open("APU_Assignment.json", "r") print( for i in file: print(i)


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