Natural Language Processing refers to the branch of computer science , more specifically ,the branch of artificial intelligence that aims to give computer the ability to understand text and spoken words in the same way as human beings can. I combines computational linguistics - rule based modeling of human language with statistical , machine learning and deep learning models.
NPL performs various task like speech recognition, part of speech tagging , word sense disambiguation, name entity recognition , coreference resolution, Sentiment analysis and natural language generation.
This website helps the user to filter out negative , offensive and demeaning comments from the comment section . Display of good and appreciating comments can lighten up the user’s mood and prevent the generation of negativity and self doubt in user.
The model can classify the comments into good and bad section and predict the sentiment of the comment.
With current pace of the use of technology , our maximum time is spent on social media applications and other sites to mingle and share day to day activities. This has significantly affected the mental health of people by receiving negative comments by others and sharing opinions which clashes with others point of view.
We aim to provide user a user- friendly environment by allowing the user to filter out the negative comments and give a fun time surfing through their social media. The website will enable user to avoid negative comments that’ll get discarded and the interface will display the good comments.
Backend : - Python Libraries : Tweepy , Flair and Flask
Frontend : - HTML & CSS