It is core functionality replica of It take long url as input and provide short version of url on which searching in browser will get redirect to original url.
POST /shorten
Parameter | Type | Description |
url |
string |
Required. Your Valid Long URL Link |
GET /${short-link}
GET /docs
Takes two numbers and returns the sum.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd URL_Shortner
Install uv
#If python is already installed
pip install uv
#For MacOS and Linux
curl -LsSf | sh
#For Window using powershell
powershell -c "irm | iex"
Check python version
python --version
Create virtualenv and Install python 3.10 using uv if not installed
uv venv --python 3.10.0
Create virtualenv
uv venv
Activate virtualenv
.\.venv\Scripts\activate #Windows CMD
source venv/Scripts/activate #Bash
Install dependencies from pyproject.toml file
uv pip install -r pyproject.toml
Run FastAPI project
fastapi dev
Run ruff check [ruff is Python linter and code formatter]
uv run ruff check
Run Test cases
pytest tests/unit_tests/
You can run specific tests (Run command to populate dummy data)
pytest -k tests/unit_tests/test_data_populate
- Shorten URLs: A user can submit a long URL and get a shortened version.
- Redirection: The shortened URL redirect the user to the original URL when accessed.
- Unique URLs: Each long URL generates a unique short URL. If the same URL is submitted again, the same short URL can be reused.
- Validation: The service validate input to ensure the URL is valid
- Access Statistics: Track the number of times a shortened URL has been accessed
- Time-to-Live (TTL): URLs expire's after a specified duration
Approach: Simple function associated with each file, class and methods. Applied SOLID principles. Not implemented any Abstract Methods since it not required here.
Design: Used FastAPI for it's quick build, deploy usecase. Used NoSQL urldb.json which is handled by python TinyDB package which run locally. Added rate limiter to API to carefully handle DDoS Attack.
Decisions: Decided to use seperate Classes for single responsibility purpose. DB Queries, Services, Models etc. Used FastAPI routers for seperate routing purpose. Not handled multithreading this can be implemented in future use case.
Challenges Faced: Hard time to decide the logic for shorten url. Had to choose between base62 encoding which can server large unique short verion that MD5 or SHA256 encoding. Had to trim MD5 for it 128 bit hash value output and used 48 bits = 11 hexdecimal characters and later base64 encoded 7 letters.
def generate_short_link(self, long_url):
hashed = md5(long_url.encode('utf-8')). hexdigest()
b64_value = urlsafe_b64encode(hashed[:11].encode('utf-8')).decode()
shorten_value = b64_value[:7]
print(f'shorten_value: {shorten_value}')