A project in which I practiced WebScrapping using Python and BeautifulSoup. I had to scrape events' data from a real site (I chose https://www.turismo.gov.br/agenda-eventos/views/calendario.php, an official government site) and then save said data into a SQL database. When I found out the website had some dynamic elements that I also needed to access, I had to automate the process using Selenium, which allowed me to simulate the mouse clicks necessaries to make the elements become visible.
The site has all the cultural events up until the end of the current year, which added up to around 400 events.
The script will only run if one or more database tables are empty. So if a fresh set of data is needed, we only need to create a new table/delete an existing one.
By the end of the script, I had 3 tables full of data such as events' names, dates, locations and metadata...