This weather beacon shows colors based on the current weather conditions for your location using's weather API.
- Red = Rain
- Orange = Snow
- Blue = Clear
- Purple = Clouds
- Green = Everything else See openweathermap's weather conditions page for all of the weather conditions.
- The API Key has been hidden
- The location has been hidden
- Under MIT License
- A Web Server
- An Openweathermap API key (get one here)
Clone this repo using git clone
or if you have the github CLI gh repo clone Sid220/weather-beacon
Next upload this to the server by moving the folder using a command simmilair to this:
[sudo] mv ./weather-beacon/ [server directory (in apache the default is /var/www/html/)]
Use a text editor to change:
- <CITY> to your city
- <2-DIGIT_COUNTRY_CODE> to your country code e.g. US
- <LATITUDE> to your latitude (you can use an online tool like this to find it out)
- <LONGITUDE> to your longitude (you can use an online tool like this to find it out)
- <API_KEY> to your API key
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