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In this ever growing world, it's hard to stay informed and updated and sometimes we might miss on some awesome stuff. So we introduce ALLOPS to prevent that with one's career.


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Allops is a dynamic website which helps professionals and students to stay informed about all the academic activities and opportunities available around the globe.

🌟this repo to get started!


Before cloning and setting up the project, make sure to install django from here

  1. First we need to install the dependencies, and install project dependencies by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Dependencies include django-filters and django multiselectfield, responsible for filters, mails, share and Interest tags of opportunities.

  1. Make and apply migrations by running:
python makemigrations

followed by:

python migrate

  1. Run your local server by running:
python runserver

copy local host address and paste it into the browser's address bar.

  1. Signup on the website to access all features and services.

  1. Create a super user by running:
python createsuperuser

This step is important to add opportunities to featured list because I think only the website's admin should be allowed to add opportunities to the featured list.

Pages and Components:

  • Home/index page to show our purpose, services and featured opportunities.
  • Signup, Signin and Signout.
  • Compete, Events, Programs, Courses to categorize opportunities and effective search.
  • Opportunity page which contains all the details of a single opportunity like dates,official link, overview etc.
  • Saved which allows user to save the opportunities to apply later
  • Mails to allow users to subscribe/unsubscribe to our mail notifications.
  • Share to allow user to share opportunities which are not listed and help community.
  • Profile page for user options and opportunities shared by user.

Files Information

It contains most useful part of the backend code of the website. The functions of this files are as follows:
  • index: for home page features like technology leaderboard and featured opportunities.
  • signup, signin and signout: for createing accounts of users, login and logout.
  • get_opportunities: which gets all the opportunities according to their type with filters, save and share buttons
  • activity: It gets a particular opportunity by their id with all the information like title, dates, location, official link, overview, details, save button etc.
  • save_it: It is used to add opportunities to saved list or remove them for a particular user. It works with Javascript to change the frontend of the website according to the backend operations.
  • saved: It gets all the opportunities which are saved by user.
  • share: It allows authenticated users to share opportunities with allops by filling the form. It is also responsible for sending mail notifications to users. As soon as the opportunity is added on the backend it also gets all the users whose any single interests matches with the new opportunity and add them to the recepients list then send all mails at once.
  • activate_mails: It is the form for users to subscribe, unsubscribe or update the mail notifications service by filling up the form. User can also generate multiple mails service with same user but different email id. It shows the unsubscribe options to users who have subscribed with some email id earlier.
  • profile: It gets all the opportunities shared by the user and present user with all the necessary options like configure mails, share opportunities, Signout.

Contains all the necessary models and choices for Allops website.

  • User model: for user related fields.
  • opportunity model: for opportunity related fields like:
    • heading/title
    • description/overview
    • details
    • image
    • link
    • start date
    • end date
    • interest tags
    • location
    • user
    • time
    • type
    • featured
  • save model: for allowing user to save opportunities. It's fields:
    • user
    • opportunity/actvity
  • mails model: for providing mail services to user.
    • user
    • emai id/mail_id
    • interests/fields
  • Choices:
    • my_types
    • my_fields

Contains code for the interests filter and search by keyword filter.

  • class opportunityFilter:
    • intersts: generate a multipe choice filter for interests tags of opportunities.
    • title: generate a char filter for the headings/title of opportunities.

Contains all the code for generating forms for the Allops. Forms are as follows:

  • signup_form
  • signin_form
  • share_form
  • mails_form

The form fields are similar to the models like User, opportunity and mails.

Contains code for defining URL paths according to the functions of

  • signup
  • signin
  • signout
  • Type/<str: type>
  • opportunity/<int: item_id>
  • save_id/<int: item_id>
  • saved
  • share
  • profile
  • mails

Contains models for registering them on the admin site of django. I've registered all the models of the website on django admin site.

The django settings for capstone projects.

  • Added packages:
    • Django-filters
    • multiselectfield
  • Added static files url
  • Added smtp configuration


It contains javascript code used for following features:

  • Select every save button on the page and change the css properties with bakcend operations.
  • Select every share button on the page and copy the link of a particular opportunity on the user's clipboard and also add some inner html.
  • Automatically submit interest filter form if changed.
  • Adds placeholder to the search filter form input.


This file contains CSS for the website with following styles:

  • A custom font.
  • Media queries to make website responsive.
  • Navbar, body, buttons and links styles.
  • Opportunity card styles for card front, back, background, preserve 3d, rotate, save, share etc.
  • Opportunity page styles for save button, All info. of a opportunity.
  • Filters styles for interest and search filter like blurred background div, hover etc.
  • blur and visible div card for styling forms, technology leaderboard and filters.
  • form field styles like width, height, border etc.
  • A Horizontal rule class for div to make div look like faded hr.
  • branding styles like font, font-size, images.
  • Different opportunity banners styles like background, images, text align etc.
  • pagination and profile page styles.
  • index page tech leaderboard and services div styles.
  • featured div styles.
  • Index page footer styles like height, display, background, flex etc.
  • Alerts styles for classes 'success' and 'error'.


This folder contains all the html files used in the website.

  • index.html: Contains html structure for home page of Allops.
    • Heading art/About
    • services divs and technology leaderboard
    • featured div
    • footer

  • layout.html: Contains top structure of the website which remains same for every other page except mail_template.
    • Navbar and dropdown
    • script files, stylesheets
    • Alerts

  • mail_template.html: This is the mail template which is used to send users mails about the new opportunity added on the website.

  • mails.html: This file contains structure of mails form page to allow user to subscribe, unsubscribe or update mails service.

  • opportunities.html: Gets all the opportunity available on website according to their types.
    • page banner for different types.
    • filters panel for interest and search filter.
    • opportunity card divs with information, save, share buttons, links etc.
    • pagination if required.

  • opportunity.html: The structure used for showing information and features of a single opportunity. Images, heading , dates, tags, location, saved or not etc.

  • profile.html: The structure of profile page with user related options and list of all the opportunities shared by user with filters.

  • saved.html: The structure of page which shows all the saved opportunities by users.

  • share.html: The structure of form page which is used to share opportunities on Allops by users.

  • signin.html, signup.html: For regitering an account and login on website. For signout there is a link in dropdown menu in the end.

Tools and Languages

bootstrap css3 django git html5 javascript python

Key Features :

  • Featured Section : shows courses which are good and free for everyone which students usually miss because of unawareness.

  • Compete section : of the platform shows all the hackathons, competition and other tech events for students to showcase thei skills and broaden their knowledge and upskill themselves.

  • Event section : contains tech events or fairs happening all around.

  • Program section : contains many important internships, externships and student programs for college students to gain a rich experience and make connections.

  • Saved section : contains all the saved courses, programs, events and hackathons the user is interested in and want to get further information about those in future.

  • Share : this feature gives user an opportunity to share opportunities which are not present on the platform which are added on the platform after being reviewed by the admin team.


In this ever growing world, it's hard to stay informed and updated and sometimes we might miss on some awesome stuff. So we introduce ALLOPS to prevent that with one's career.




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