A repository where I store all my competitive programming related code. This includes my practice for informatics olympiads (ZCO, INOI, IOITC), competitive programming contests (CodeChef, Codeforces), practice problem sets (CSES), interschool contests and more.
- Algorithms: Some practice problems for me to understand various algorithms
- CSES Problem Set: my solutions of problems from cses
- Codebreaker_Dunjudge: solutions from Codebreaker and Dunjudge problems
- CodeChef Contests: solutions from CodeChef contests I have participated in
- Codeforces Contests: solutions from Codeforces contests I have participated in
- DSA Learning Series: Some problems I have attempted from CodeChef's DSA Learning Series
- Data Structures: A list (cheat sheet?) of some data structures I have learned
- ICO: Preparation for various stages of the Indian Computing Olympiad
- IACRS Sample Problems: my solutions for IARCS OPC Judge Problems
- ICO20MCK: a mock ZCO contest
- INOI Past Problems: my solutions for past INOI problems
- IOITC 2021: problems and solutions from IOITC 2021 TSTs and mock TSTs
- UFDS 2021: my solutions from contests during the UFDS Mentoring Program 2021
- UFDS 2022: my solutions from mock contests and practice problems during the UFDS Mentoring Program 2022
- Other: other practice problems
- Scripts: Scripts that I have created to help create new solution files where Competitive Companion is not supported
- Syntax: Some programs I created while learning C++ and Java
- Templates: My Python, C++, and Java competitive programming templates
- Theory: Some more algorithms I have learnt (mostly during IOITC)
- build: A collection of test cases for the various problems to be used with the Competitive Programming Helper extension for Visual Studio Code
- Other Contests: Other contests I have participated in (mostly interschool contests and Advent of Code)
- Other Problems: practice problems that I couldn't classify elsewhere