Welcome to the Node.js CRUD Operations repository! This project demonstrates basic CRUD functionality using Node.js, Express, and a database (replace with the specific database you're using, e.g., MongoDB, MySQL).
- Create: Add new items to the database.
- Read: Retrieve and display information from the database.
- Update: Modify existing data in the database.
- Delete: Remove items from the database.
- Node.js: https://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/
- Express: https://expressjs.com/en/5x/api.html
- Database: MongoDB
- Mongoose
To set up and run the Node.js CRUD operations locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone [repository_url]
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd node-crud-repo
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Set up the database: [Provide instructions for setting up the database]
- Start the application:
npm start
- Open your browser and visit
to access the application.
- Endpoint:
- Method: POST
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Method: GET
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Method: PUT
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Method: DELETE
- Endpoint:
Provide code examples or descriptions on how to use the CRUD operations within your Node.js application.
// Example code snippet
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
// Define your routes and middleware here
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('Server is running on port 3000');