Useful Utilities is a collection of helper classes that extend or complement existing UIKit framework classes.
UUSwift has native SPM support.
UUSwift may be installed via Carthage. To install it, simply add the following line to your Cartfile
github "SilverPineSoftware/UUSwift"
Then, following the instructions for integrating Carthage frameworks into your app, link the UUSwift
framework into your project.
This library requires a deployment target of iOS 10.0 or greater or OSX 10.10 or greater. UUSwift currently supports Swift version 4.0
Please open pull requests against the develop
UUSwift is written entirely in Swift and currently does not support Objective-C interoperability.
UUSwift is an updated implementation of the Objective-C classes available here:
UUSwift is available under the MIT license. See
for more information.