git clone ...
cd ggtd
stack build
stack exec ggtd
Two modes: basic commandline and curses
ggtd # basic interface
ggtd b # curses interface
New task
node "Do the laundry"
New aggregated context (link)
node -rlink "@home"
Add stuff to an aggregated context
rel laundry @home
(in the above example, laundry and @home are resolved automatically to correct nodes.)
Add a group of items into an aggregated context as a group: just set the correct rel.
rel -rgroup chores @home
Remove all relation from a node to a node:
rel delete @home chores
tickler add "somenode" monthly done
tickler add "somenode" nextmonth wait
tickler add "somenode" daily:ke wait
The last argument indicates which flag to unset.
- Integration possibilities with things like github issues
- More library-oriented design; user could build a customized instance of the program on top of the library.
- Toggleable filtering for done etc. in listing
- Fuzzy matching of nodes - unique substring match in nodes under view context?
- Timed nodes: specify remind-like flag for triggers which add an edge to the node from a tracking node
- Sorting by relevance
- Default connect new childs to some node that is used to track incoming things