This tiny script allows you to have your favorites streamers displayed on your Raspberry Pi display as soon as they start streaming!
You can define a list of streamers that you want to watch, and the script will show you the first one that streams.
I found rsheldiii repo and thought 'hmm I can make that more complicate'
In order for it to work, the script needs both Streamlink and Tmux to be installed on your system.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install streamlink
sudo apt install tmux
You will then have to copy both the service file and the timer file to /etc/systemd/system/
Enable and start the timer:
sudo systemctl enable twitch_tv.timer
Or you can just enable the service directly but I recommend delaying it because I had some issues.
sudo systemctl enable twitch_tv.service
That's it! The script will now start after reboot.
- This is the main script for the Twitch autoplayer. It defines functions to start and stop streaming, check if a streamer is live, and determine streamer priority. The main loop periodically checks the status of each streamer in the list and plays the stream of the highest priority live streamer.
streamers.txt: Text file containing the list of Twitch streamers you want to watch. Each streamer should be on a separate line.
twitch_tv.service: Systemd service file for running the Twitch autoplayer script as a service.
twitch_tv.timer: Systemd timer file for delaying the start of the Twitch autoplayer service after boot.
No more for now :) Feel free to open an issue if you spot anything