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Simple MVVM Toolkit Express: Messaging Sample

Here we want to communicate between two different view-models, CustomerListViewModel and CustomerDetailViewModel. When the IncrementOrders method is called in the list VM we send a message to the detail VM. However, because the list VM does not have a direct reference to the detail VM, we can communicate indirectly via the MessageBus.

This example will show message multicasting, with a notification broadcast to multiple listeners. And it will also show two-way communication, with the listener calling back the notifier with a specified result. For two-way communication pass two type arguments to the MessageBus.Default.Register: TOutgoing for data sent from the notifier, and TIncoming for data sent from the subscriber back to the notifier.

  1. Create a new WPF project using Visual Studio 2015 or higher
  • Target Framework: .NET 4.6
  • Add the SimpleMvvmToolkit.Express NuGet package
  • Use Code Snippets Manager to add the Simple Mvvm C# code snippets
  1. Open MessageTokens.cs and define a string constant that will serve as a message token for the increase orders notification.

  2. Open CustomerDetailViewModel and add code in the ctor to get notified when a request is made to increase orders.

    • Call RegisterToReceiveMessages, specifying two type arguments: <IncreaseInfo, ApprovalInfo>
      • IncreaseInfo is for outgoing data from the message sender
      • ApprovalInfo is for incoming data from the receiver back to the sender
    RegisterToReceiveMessages<IncreaseInfo, ApprovalInfo>
        (MessageTokens.IncreaseOrders, OnOrdersIncrease);
  3. Insert a method that will get invoked when a notification takes place using the IncreaseOrders message token, which is just a string const.

    • The method should take two parameters: one for sender (object) and another for NotificationEventArgs<IncreaseInfo, ApprovalInfo>.
    • In the method show a ApprovalIncreaseView dialog if the request is for the customer belonging to the view-model instance.

      In the Closed event of the dialog, you will call back the notifier by invoking the Completed event args property.

    void OnOrdersIncrease(object sender, NotificationEventArgs
    	<IncreaseInfo, ApprovalInfo> e)
    	if (e.Data.CustomerName != Customer.CustomerName) return;
    	ApproveIncreaseView appoveView = new ApproveIncreaseView(e.Data);
    	appoveView.Closed += (s, ea) =>
    		// Callback notifier with result
    		ApprovalInfo approveInfo = new ApprovalInfo
    			(Customer.CustomerName, e.Data.Amount,
  4. Open CustomerListViewModel and add code to the IncreaseOrders method that sends a message to subscribers when an customer orders is increased.

    • Specify a method that the subscriber will callback with the result
    SendMessage(MessageTokens.IncreaseOrders, new NotificationEventArgs
        <IncreaseInfo, ApprovalInfo>(null, increaseInfo, OnIncreaseResponse));
  5. Insert a method called OnIncreaseResponse that accepts an ApprovalInfo parameter

    • Set the MessageText property depending on information in ApprovalInfo
    • Reverse the increase if the result is false
    void OnIncreaseResponse(ApprovalInfo approve)
    	// Set message text
    	string resultText = approve.Result ? "approved" : "rejected";
    	MessageText = string.Format("Order quantity of {0} {1} for {2}",
    		approve.Amount, resultText, approve.CustomerName);
    	MessageVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
    	// Reverse increase if rejected
    	if (!approve.Result)
    		SelectedCustomer.Orders -= 1000;

When you run the app, click the Increase Orders button. This will push a message to each instance of CustomerDetailViewModel. If the name of the current customer matches that instance's customer name, the view-model will invoke the Completed property of the NotificationEventArgs, which in this case is the OnIncreaseResponse method of CustomerListViewModel.


Message Bus Sample for Simple MVVM Toolkit Express







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