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This Node.js application uses the Express.js framework and Sequelize ORM to create a user management system. It provides RESTful API endpoints for user-related operations such as user creation, login, profile management, and user administration by administrators.

Getting Started

Database Configuration:

The application uses Sequelize ORM to interact with a relational database. Ensure that you have a relational database (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL) set up.

Configure the database connection in the .env file:


Database Connection

The dbConnection.js file contains the Sequelize database connection setup. The application synchronizes the models with the database on startup.

Database Models

The application uses Sequelize to define models for the database. Each model corresponds to a database table:

User Model: userModel.js
Role Model: roleModel.js
Status Model: statusModel.js
UserDetails Model: userDetailsModel.js

Install Dependencies:

npm install

Run the Application:

npm start

The server will start running on the specified port, and you should see a message indicating the successful connection to the database.

App Entry Point

The app.js file is the entry point for the application. It configures middleware, sets up the database connection, and defines the routes.

API Endpoints

User & Admin Routes

Create New User: POST /create-user
User Login: POST /login
Renew Access Token: POST /renewAccessToken
Forgot Password: POST /forget-password
Change Password: POST /change-password
Get My Profile: GET /my-profile
Update My Profile: PUT /update-profile
Soft Delete My Profile: PUT /delete-profile

Admin Routes

Get Users List: GET /users-list
Permanent Delete User: DELETE /delete-user
Add Static Data (Roles and Status): POST /add-static


Key controller functions include:

Create User: createUser
User Login: loginUser
Renew Access Token: renewAccessToken
Forgot Password: forgetPassword
Change Password: changePassword
Get All Users List: getAllUsers
Get My Profile: getMe
Update User Profile: updateProfile
Soft Delete User Profile: softDelete
Permanent Delete User: deleteUser
Add Static Data: addData


bcrypt: Library for hashing passwords.
body-parser: Middleware for parsing incoming request bodies.
dotenv: Loads environment variables from a .env file.
express: Web application framework for Node.js.
express-validator: Middleware for request validation.
jsonwebtoken: Library for handling JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
mysql2: MySQL database driver for Node.js.
nodemailer: Library for sending emails.
nodemon: Development utility that monitors for changes and automatically restarts the server.
sequelize: Promise-based ORM for Node.js.


This README provides an overview of the Node.js user management system using Express.js and Sequelize. Refer to the code and documentation for detailed implementation and customization.