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Automated Validation of CNV calls from SNPs array, plus functions to analyse the results


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How to install

You can install the package via:


The package depends on two non standard R packages, R torch ( and BiocParallel ( You might want to install them manually beforehand.


If you use this software please cite the following publications:

How to run


To perform the validation of a set of CNVs you will need the following files:

  • tabix indexed intensity file for each sample
  • SNPs file (preferably filtered)
  • samples file (linking each sample to an intensity file)
  • CNVs table

In general you will need all the files described in the CNV calling protocol mentioned above (Montalbano et al., 2022, Current Protocol). If you are interested in genome wide CNVs rather than in specific loci, you can just skip that section of the protocol.

Run the prediction model

With that, you can run the actual model on your CNV table as shown in the following code snippet:

# load necessary objects
snps <- fread('/path/to/snppos_filtered.txt')
cnvs <- fread('/path/to/cnvs_filtered.txt')
samples <- fread('/path/to/samples_list.txt')

# select the folder for PNG files
png_pt <- '/path/to/folder'

# set BiocParall parallel worker limit

# save the PNGs for all CNVs
save_pngs_prediction(pred_pt, cnvs, samples, snps)

# run the prediction algoritm
preds <- make_predictions(luz::luz_load('/path/to/model.rds'),
                          png_pt, cnvs)

# select predicted true CNVs with probability above 0.75
true_cnvs <- pred[pred %in% 2:3 & pred_prob >= 0.75, ]

# the model has three categories
# 1: False
# 2: True Deletion
# 3: True Duplication

Notice that at the moment the sample_ID is used in the PNGs file name, thus is best to not have special character in it (especially '/').


If you are applying the program to a new dataset for the first time I would strongly recommend you do some accuracy or at least precision tests. If you don't have an in house solution to perform visual validation you can use mine, It requires the same files and format as all the other CNV packages I created so you should already have everything.

How to train your on model

You might want to train a custom model for multiple reasons. Your dataset might be very different for the ones I have access to or you use case might be different (e.g. you are interested in chromosomal abnormalities).

Base case

In the base case (CNVs but in a very different dataset), train a new custom model is fairly easy assuming you already have a relatively big set of validated examples.

NB: This assumes you have a set of validated CNVs in the following three classes: false, true deletion, true duplication. The format should be the same as the described here That is column vo for the human evaluation results (1: true, 2: false, 3: unknown) and column GT for genotype (1: deletions, 2: duplications).

# set BiocParall workers (for PNG generation)
options(MulticoreParam = MulticoreParam(workers = 16))

# load data
cnvs <- fread('path/to/validated_cnvs.txt')
samples <- fread('path/to/samples.txt')
snps <- fread('/path/to/snppos_filtered.txt')

# Split train and valitation 75/25
train_dt <- cnvs %>% group_by(GT) %>% sample_frac(size = 0.75)
train_dt <-
valid_dt <- fsetdiff(cnvs, train_dt)
train_pt <- '/path/to/train'
valid_pt <- '/path/to/valid'

# save pngs
save_pngs_dataset(train_pt, train_dt, samples, snps, flip_chance = 0.5)
save_pngs_dataset(valid_pt, valid_dt, samples, snps, flip_chance = 0.5)

# training and validation dataloaders
bs <- 64
train_dl <- dataloader(torchvision::image_folder_dataset(
                         train_pt, transform = . %>% transform_to_tensor()),
                       batch_size = bs, shuffle = TRUE)
valid_dl <- dataloader(torchvision::image_folder_dataset(
                         valid_pt, transform = . %>% transform_to_tensor()),
                       batch_size = bs, shuffle = TRUE)

# Training

## Define the model etc
model <- convnet_dropout_5_10 %>%
    loss = nn_cross_entropy_loss(),
    optimizer = optim_adam,
    metrics = list(

# Learning rate finder
rates_and_losses_do <- model %>% lr_finder(train_dl, end_lr = 0.3)
rates_and_losses_do %>% plot() # REMEMBER TO CHECK AND UPDATE max_lr !!!!!

# Fit
fitted_dropout_5_10 <- model %>%
  fit(train_dl, epochs = 50, valid_data = valid_dl,
      callbacks = list(
        luz_callback_early_stopping(patience = 2),
          max_lr = 0.01,
          epochs = 50,
          steps_per_epoch = length(train_dl),
          call_on = "on_batch_end"),
        luz_callback_model_checkpoint(path = "dropout_5_10_ukb_decode/"),
      verbose = TRUE)
# save the trained model

Other cases

If you want to use a different number of classes you need to change at least the model definition in R/.cnn_model.R.

If you use case needs a different image, more/less pixels, different set of tracks, different zoom etc, you might need to fork the repo and change the function plot_cnv().

In general for any complex use case, feel free to contact me if that's the case and I'll see what I can do.

Unfortunately at the moment fine tuning of a pre-trained model is not available, if you are an expert on R-torch and know how to implement it, let me know!

Pre-trained model

The model described in the paper above is available upon request.

Bugs, Feature request, Collaborations and Contributions

Feel free to open an issue here on GitHub. For collaboration and big extensions of the program, contact the corresponding author in one of the mentioned papers.

Keep in mind I'm not a programmer and my main interest is applying methods to do new research so be patient ;)


Automated Validation of CNV calls from SNPs array, plus functions to analyse the results








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