This Magento 2 module adds the option to use Feather Icons in your Hyva frontend.
This requires that you have a working Hyva frontend, this icon pack was made specifically for Hyva Themes and will not work out of the box with any other frontend.
Install the package via;
composer require siteation/magento2-hyva-icons-feather
bin/magento setup:upgrade
This Module requires Magento 2.4 or higher and requires Hyva! For more requirements see the
By default this module loads nothing.
To use this icon pack instead of the default Hyva icons, add the following to your phtml file;
use Hyva\Theme\Model\ViewModelRegistry;
use Siteation\HyvaIconsFeather\ViewModel\FeatherIcons;
/** @var ViewModelRegistry $viewModels */
/** @var FeatherIcons $featherIcons */
$featherIcons = $viewModels->require(FeatherIcons::class);
and use the FeatherIcons just as the HeroIcons in Hyva;
<?= $featherIcons->menuHtml('p-1', 24, 24, ["aria-label" => "Open menu"]) ?>
You can now also use the SVG icons in your CMS content.
Bringing svg icon support to you CMS pages, Blocks and Widgets.
{{icon "feather/menu"}}
For more information on how and what see the Hyva Docs
This feature is supported since Hyva v1.1.12 and Siteation/magento2-hyva-icons-feather v1.2
- For Icons packs see
If you are looking for a Luma based option checkout this icon pack instead.
Feather Icons used in this module were created by Cole Bemis under a MIT License, found here