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An early second version of this project is being developed and will be distributed via pip and rely GPUs for faster augmentation. More details at

Python 3D Image Augmentation for 3D Image Segmentation

This is a lightweight libaray/framework containing a collection of mothods for 3D image data augmentation. Its intended usage is pair-wise (simultanous) augmentation of medical image data and their corresponding manual segmentation masks. It also supports non-pair-wise augmentation.


Install required packages: pip install -r requirements.txt


Please refer to the included demo.ipynb for usage examples.


S.  Liu,  W.  Dai,  C.  Engstrom,  J.  Fripp,  P.  B.  Greer,  S.  Crozier,J. A. Dowling, 
and S. S. Chandra, “Fabric Image Representation Encoding Networks for Large-scale 3D Medical 
Image Analysis,”arXiv e-prints, p. arXiv:2006.15578, Jun. 2020.