Filtering and lookup for language ranges matched against tags according to rfc4647
A typescript version/slight re-imagining of
Huge thanks to for conceptual help and test cases.
console.log(basicFilter(['de-de', 'de-CH-1996', 'en-GB', 'en'], ['fr-FR', 'de-CH', 'en']));
// [
// { matchedRange: 'de-CH', matchingTag: 'de-CH-1996' },
// { matchedRange: 'en', matchingTag: 'en-GB' },
// { matchedRange: 'en', matchingTag: 'en' }
// ]
console.log(extendedFilter(['de-DE-1996', 'de-de', 'en-GB', 'en'], ['*-1996', 'en-*']));
// [
// { matchedRange: '*-1996', matchingTag: 'de-DE-1996' },
// { matchedRange: 'en-*', matchingTag: 'en-GB' },
// { matchedRange: 'en-*', matchingTag: 'en' }
// ]
console.log(basicLookup(['en-GB', 'en', 'zh-Hans', 'zh-Hant', 'zh'], ['zh-Hant-CN-x-private1-private2']));
// {
// matchedRange: 'zh-Hant-CN-x-private1-private2',
// matchingTag: 'zh-Hant'
// }
console.log(extendedLookup(['en-CH-1991', 'de-CH'], ['de-*-1991']));
// {
// matchedRange: 'de-*-1991',
// matchingTag: 'de-CH'
// }
- Any ranges not matching the regexp for the corresponding range type will be ignored. Keep in mind basic ranges are
valid extended ranges but extended ranges are not always valid basic ranges.
- Basic range RegExp:
- Extended range RegExp:
- Basic range RegExp:
- The RFC does not provide explicit requirements for lookup on extended ranges. Our implementation makes the following
- The full wildcard tag is invalid and skipped.
- Wildcards as subtags are valid. Wildcards in all positions except the last subtag may encompass multiple subtags. Wildcards in the last position may encompass one subtag.
- Wildcards in the first subtag are valid, but will never be considered in isolation as we strip subtags off the
- For example, the range
would match the tagen-GB
but noten
- For example, the range