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Eigenscan is a fork and improved version of Eigenscan

Inititially it contains only eigenevents library, socket and API to pull Eigenlayer mainnet contract for metric and event as well as showing metric and eigenlayer mainnet emitted events.

This improved version consists of frontend and backend. The backend consists of several functions:

  1. eigenevent (easily query eigenlayer mainnet contracts for emitted events (historical + real-time))
  2. pufferevent (easily query Puffer Finance mainnet contracts for emitted events (historical + real-time))
  3. integration of Dune and EigenExplorer API (can be tested using Swagger)
  4. socket and API to pull Eigenlayer mainnet contract for metric and event
  5. socket and API to pull Puffer Finance mainnet contract for metric and event
  6. email notification to alert user based on grafana alerting

For the frontend, it consists of:

  1. showing metric and eigenlayer mainnet emitted events
  2. showing metric and puffer mainnet emitted events
  3. embed grafana to check metrics (setup using node-exporter and prometheus)

Inspired by the eigenevents library, I have added PufferEvent.js in eigenscan-server. Inside, there are 4 ABIs files:

1. PufferModuleManagerABI

Event Name Description Output Params
getAVSRegistrationSignatureProofUpdated Emitted when AVS registration signature proof is updated. moduleName: bytes32, proof: bytes
getCompletedQueuedWithdrawals Emitted when queued withdrawals are completed. beneficiary: address, amount: uint256
getNonBeaconChainETHBalanceWithdrawn Emitted when ETH balance is withdrawn from a non-beacon chain. recipient: address, amount: uint256
getPufferModuleDelegated Emitted when a Puffer module is delegated. module: address, delegate: address
getPufferModuleUndelegated Emitted when a Puffer module is undelegated. module: address, delegate: address
getRestakingOperatorAVSSocketUpdated Emitted when the AVS socket of a restaking operator is updated. operator: address, socket: bytes32
getRestakingOperatorCreated Emitted when a restaking operator is created. operator: address, creator: address
getRestakingOperatorDeregisteredFromAVS Emitted when a restaking operator is deregistered from AVS. operator: address
getRestakingOperatorMetadataURIUpdated Emitted when the metadata URI of a restaking operator is updated. operator: address, metadataURI: string
getRestakingOperatorOptedInSlasher Emitted when a restaking operator opts in to the slasher. operator: address
getRestakingOperatorRegisteredToAVS Emitted when a restaking operator is registered to AVS. operator: address
getRestakingOperatorRegisteredToAVSWithChurn Emitted when a restaking operator is registered to AVS with churn. operator: address, churn: uint256
getValidatorCredentialsVerified Emitted when validator credentials are verified. validator: address, verified: bool
getVerifiedAndProcessedWithdrawals Emitted when withdrawals are verified and processed. beneficiary: address, amount: uint256
getWithdrawalsQueued Emitted when withdrawals are queued. beneficiary: address, amount: uint256

2. PufferProtocolABI

Event Name Description Output Params
getMinimumVTAmountChanged Event emitted when the minimum number of days for VT changes. oldMinimumNumberOfDays: uint256, newMinimumNumberOfDays: uint256
getModuleWeightsChanged Event emitted when the weights of modules change. oldWeights: bytes32[], newWeights: bytes32[]
getNewPufferModuleCreated Event emitted when a new Puffer Module is created. module: address, moduleName: bytes32, withdrawalCredentials: bytes32
getNumberOfRegisteredValidatorsChanged Event emitted when the number of registered validators changes for a module. moduleName: bytes32, newNumberOfRegisteredValidators: uint256
getSuccessfullyProvisioned Event emitted when provisioning of a validator is successful. pubKey: bytes, pufferModuleIndex: uint256, moduleName: bytes32
getVTPenaltyChanged Event emitted when the VT penalty amount changes. oldPenalty: uint256, newPenalty: uint256
getValidatorExited Event emitted when a validator exits from a module. pubKey: bytes, pufferModuleIndex: uint256, moduleName: bytes32, pufETHBurnAmount: uint256, vtBurnAmount: uint256
getValidatorKeyRegistered Event emitted when a validator key is registered for a module. pubKey: bytes, pufferModuleIndex: uint256, moduleName: bytes32, usingEnclave: bool
getValidatorLimitPerModuleChanged Event emitted when the limit of validators per module changes. oldLimit: uint256, newLimit: uint256
getValidatorSkipped Event emitted when a validator is skipped during provisioning. pubKey: bytes, pufferModuleIndex: uint256, moduleName: bytes32
getValidatorTicketsDeposited Event emitted when validator tickets are deposited. node: address, depositor: address, amount: uint256
getValidatorTicketsWithdrawn Event emitted when validator tickets are withdrawn. node: address, recipient: address, amount: uint256

3. PufferVaultABI

Event Name Description Output Params
getAssetsWithdrawnToday Triggered when assets are withdrawn on the current day. withdrawalAmount: uint256
getClaimedWithdrawals Triggered when withdrawals are claimed. requestIds: uint256[]
getDailyWithdrawalLimitSet Triggered when the daily withdrawal limit is set. oldLimit: uint96, newLimit: uint96
getDeposit Triggered when assets are deposited. sender: address, owner: address, assets: uint256, shares: uint256
getExitFeeBasisPointsSet Triggered when the exit fee basis points are set. previousFee: uint256, newFee: uint256
getLidoWithdrawal Triggered when a withdrawal from Lido occurs. expectedWithdrawal: uint256, actualWithdrawal: uint256
getRequestedWithdrawals Triggered when withdrawals are requested. requestIds: uint256[]
getTransfer Triggered when tokens (or assets) are transferred. from: address, to: address, value: uint256
getTransferredETH Triggered when ETH (Ether) is transferred. to: address, amount: uint256
getWithdraw Triggered when assets are withdrawn. sender: address, receiver: address, owner: address, assets: uint256, shares: uint256

4. ValidatorTicketABI

Event Name Description Output Params
getDispersedETH Triggered when ETH is dispersed. from: address, to: address, amount: uint256
getGuardiansFeeChanged Triggered when the guardian's fee is changed. previousFee: uint256, newFee: uint256
getProtocolFeeChanged Triggered when the protocol fee is changed. previousFee: uint256, newFee: uint256
getTransfer Triggered when tokens are transferred. from: address, to: address, value: uint256
getTransferredETH Triggered when ETH is transferred. from: address, to: address, amount: uint256

Setup frontend

  1. yarn install

  2. setup .env

  3. yarn run dev

Setup backend

  1. yarn install

  2. setup 4 supabase tables

  3. setup .env

  4. yarn start

Supabase SQL Editor command:

create table deposits (
  id serial primary key,
  transaction_hash text not null,
  block_number text not null,
  staker_addr text not null,
  token text not null,
  strategy_addr text not null,
  amount numeric not null,
  message text,
  created_at timestamp with time zone default now()

-- Create index on transaction_hash for faster queries
create index idx_transaction_hash on deposits(transaction_hash);

-- Create index on staker_addr for faster queries
create index idx_staker_addr on deposits(staker_addr);
CREATE TABLE public.eigendata (
    tvl_eth text NOT NULL,
    number_avs text NOT NULL,
    number_operator text NOT NULL,
    number_staker text NOT NULL,
    created_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT timezone('utc', now()) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE public.eigenevents (
    transactionHash text NOT NULL,
    blockNumber text NOT NULL,
    event text NOT NULL,
    returnValues jsonb NOT NULL,
    message text NOT NULL,
    created_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT timezone('utc', now()) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE pufferdata (
    number_validators INTEGER

Swagger screenshot integrating Dune API and EigenExplorer API

Screenshot 2024-06-30 215448 Screenshot 2024-06-30 215514 Screenshot 2024-06-30 215532

Further Improvement

  1. Further filter and utilize events from eigenscan-server/PufferEvents.js
  2. Improve frontend dashboard
  3. Added email subscription for grafana alert


blockexplorer for eigenlayer






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