Custom polybar script that displays the price of silver, gold, platinum, palladium, and/or copper.
- 'pandas'
- 'argparse'
- 'requests_html'
- 'yahoo_fin'
type = custom/script
; -s or --silver to display Silver
; -g or --gold to display Gold
; -p or --platinum to display Platinum
; -c or --copper to display Copper
; -a or --palladium to display Palladium
exec = ~/.config/polybar/scripts/polymetals/ -a -c -p
tail = true
label = %output%
- Download needed python modules.
- Download polymetals.
- Extract polymetals to your polybar folder, or your folder for polybar scripts.
- Make executable.
- Add the module to your polybar config, making sure the path is correct.