This repository will contain examples on using R, Python, and other open-source tools to complete common and niche spatial operations using code, scripts, and APIs. My past professional experience primarily used ESRI ArcGIS with some ArcPy but access to ESRI software is a large financial burden that is difficult to justify for most organizations. I've found that both R and Python can complete nearly all of the same tasks that ESRI software can for substantially less money with some research and experience with progamming. In many cases, R/Python can perform tasks ESRI software cannot on its own and can be used to extend ArcGIS apps or QGIS software with new functionality. I've found several individual R and Python resources to be extensive yet limited in scope whereas my work typically involves niche cases that aren't typically found in books. I'll be adding material over time here with R and Python examples that cover most of my previous frustrations.
Data Import, Export, and Utilizing Web APIs
- Importing the variety of common spatial data formats into R
- Vector vs Raster in R
- JSON, .shp, .csv, other vector formats
- .img, .tif, other raster formats
- Accessing spatial data web services via APIs (REST, SQL databases, etc.)
Spatial Metadata
- Examining spatial metadata
- Reprojecting spatial coordinates
Spatial Data Management
- Reducing spatial data file size
- Joining non-spatial tables to spatial data
- Exporting spatial data from R
Spatial Data Processing
- Cleaning up data for spatial data processing
- Combining datasets that use multiple projections
- Subsetting data by geographic location
- Geoprocessing i.e. Union, merge, intersect, buffer, extract, and other common spatial tasks in R
Spatial Analysis
- Calculating new fields based on spatial information
- Using geoprocessing tools to derive insights
- Working with topologies and networks
Spatial Statistics
- An introduction to spatial statistics and fundamental assumptions
- Autocorrelation
- Regression
- Point Patterns
- Interpolation
Machine Learning
- Image segmentation and classification
- Neural Networks
- Prediction/Forecasting
- Data Mining
Static Maps
- Creating maps for reports
- Creating large maps for printing
- Creating basemaps for other spatial applications
Interactive Maps
- Leaflet
- Leaftlet API in R
- Leaflet API in Python
- ArcGIS Online (Free)
- Mapbox
- R Markdown, Flexdashboard, and Shiny
Reproducible Reports
- Scripting GIS Reports in R
- Iterative Report Generation in R
- Iterating Output Dataset Generation in R
GIS Development using R/Python
- Help with spatial math and translating methods to code
- R Packages
- Python Packages
- Creating tools for QGIS
- Creating tools for ArcGIS
- Creating tools for use in other programming languages
Creating GIS Servers and Databases
- Introduction to GIS Web Servers
- Introduction to spatial databases
- Creating a basic Web Server
- Creating a basic API for a Web Server