This repo provides automated service monitoring of SPARQL Endpoints on an hourly basis. The results are published in the file latest-status.ttl. Many Linked Data clients can consume the data directly from
There is this git action which invokes the following process every hour.
The script first downloads OpenLink's SPARQL endpoint dataset and then runs the SPARQL query in status-check.sparql on each endpoint URL.
The workflow runner is our sparql-integrate command line tool, built on Apache Jena, which simplifies the process of mashing-up RDF datasets and SPARQL queries.
According to this answer to my question: Yes
This project uses OpenLink's SPARQL endpoint dataset as the source, please make pull requests there.
As github has API limits (1000 requests per hour) it may be better to make separate projects for other kind of information, such as void descriptions. Note, that one can use this service status dataset as the basis in order to not waste requests!
Feel free to contribute your ideas on the issue tracker.
Just clone the repo and use a different dataset of endpoints as the source.
The source code of this repo is published under the Apache License Version 2.0.