System requirement to support this module:
Magento2 - 2.4.x with PHP7.4
You need to clone it into the app/code/ folder for your Magento project, when its clone inside you need to check and enable it.
php bin/magento module:status
php bin/magento module:enable SmartPack_WMS
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
When you have enabled the module you need to config settings between SmartPack WMS API to your Magento2 webshop.
Stores > Configuration > SmartPack > WMS API Configuration
First you need to sync your products to SmartPack WMS. Default its go for 50 product each sync loop. Its only sync products there are enabled.
bin/magento smartpack:product:sync
Supported product types: Simple Product
Sync sales order if its marked ready for shipment.
bin/magento smartpack:order:sync
SmartPack have many functions, this module will support following integrations between Magento2 and SmartPack systems
- Product
- CLI: Full sync of products from shop to WMS integration
- Cron: sync product changes from shop to WMS integration
- Order
- CLI: Sync all with shipment status
- Hook: complate order on shipment hook
- Stock
- Hook: update product stock on hook signals