These scripts are focused on scanning, interleaving and binding pdf files for book-binding purposes. The scripts are all written in bash and are intended for use on Unix/Linux systems.
This script originally did nothing more than scanning multiple pages to a pdf file. I added some functionallities to the script to interpret the text of the scanned documents and send the files to an printer specified in the script.
The basic script is not originally mine, I think I found it on stackoverflow but it was not working correctly. The script handles the interleaving of scanned dubblesided documents with multiple pages, it takes 2 input files of the pdf format and puts them together taking 1 page of both files in turn. For scanning ease the file takes a even page file with descanding page numbering, in later versions of the script it will be a choice of the user to use this option or not.
This script prepares a book in pdf for printing so you can bind it later. I was inspired to make this script by reading a article about book binding (see below) where there was explained how to prepare your book for printing using a Linux computer. Becous it is quite some work I desided to make a script that does it all for you. The script works perfectly but it needs some cleaning and minor debugging work done. More on binding your books you can find here: