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SniperOO7 edited this page Apr 22, 2022 · 14 revisions

Main plugin


Description: Opening the code activator for players.
Permissions: None.


Description: List of vip players online on server.
Permissions: None.


Description: Setttings for normal/vip players to hide special effects/pets.
Permissions: None.

/gun (aliases: /gunmenu /guns)

Description: Opening the gun menu.
Permissions: VIP.

/heavysuit, /shield, /healthshot

Description: Allow you to buy item for the money.
Permissions: VIP.

/hitmarker (aliases: /marker)

Description: Hit Marker settings.
Permissions: VIP.


Description: Allow to VIP player to open the shop.
Permissions: VIP.


Description: Menu with trails.
Permissions: VIP.


Description: Menu with glows.
Permissions: VIP.


Description: Menu with beams.
Permissions: VIP.


Description: Roll the dice, you can get some bonus.
Permissions: VIP.


Description: Menu with sound that can VIP player play.
Permissions: VIP.


Description: VIP settings.
Permissions: VIP.


Description: Main vip menu.
Permissions: none.


Description: Menu with tags.
Permissions: VIP.


Description: Command for respawning, when VIP is dead.
Permissions: VIP.


Description: Command for get expiration date of VIP.
Permissions: none.

Admin commands

/setvip "STEAMID" "Days" "ID of class"

Description: Set vip to the player
- STEAMID have to have this formate STEAM_0:1:55975235
- Days have to be whole number like 5, 10, 12 etc..
- ID of class is from classes.cfg
Permissions: ADMFLAG_ROOT.


Description: Remove player's vip
Permissions: ADMFLAG_ROOT.


Description: Admin VIP menu
Permissions: ADMFLAG_ROOT.


Description: Getting default and new he power
Permissions: ADMFLAG_BAN.


/freevip (aliases: /vipfree, /trialvip)

Description: Menu with free vip information
Permissions: none.
Module: Playtime VIP

/model (aliases: /models, /vipmodels)

Description: Menu with player models
Permissions: none.
Module: More models

/de (aliases: /se, /effect, /effects, /spawneffect)

Description: Menu with effects
Permissions: none.
Module: Spawn & Death effects

/tracer (aliases: /tracers, /spark, /nadetrail)

Description: Menu with cosmetic effects
Permissions: depends on cfg settings.
Module: Sparks & Nade trails & Tracers

/sentrygun (aliases: /sentry, /turret)

Description: Spawn the turret
Permissions: depends on cfg settings.
Module: Special Items

/ball (aliases: /spawnball)

Description: Spawn the ball
Permissions: depends on cfg settings.
Module: Ball

/pet (aliases: /pets)

Description: Menu with pets
Permissions: none.
Module: Pets

/particle (aliases: /particles)

Description: Menu with particles
Permissions: none.
Module: Particles

/cn (aliases: /customnade)

Description: Menu with custom nade models
Permissions: none.
Module: Nades Models

/rb (aliases: /reloadbar)

Description: Enable or disable reload bar
Permissions: depends on cfg settings.
Module: Reload Bar

/coin (aliases: /coins)

Description: Get amout of coins
Permissions: none.
Module: Store

/ghost (aliases: /ghostmenu)

Description: Open ghost menu
Permissions: ghost.
Module: Ghost


Description: Open backpack menu
Permissions: none.
Module: Backpack

/mk (aliases: /musickit)

Description: Open music kits menu
Permissions: none.
Module: Music Kits


Description: Open smoke color menu
Permissions: none.
Module: Smoke color


Description: Open skybox menu
Permissions: none.
Module: Skybox module


Description: Open special round menu
Permissions: none.
Module: Special rounds module

/holiday (aliases: /holidayevents)

Description: Open holiday events settings
Permissions: flag ROOT.
Module: Holiday events module

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