ESP-IDF toolchain:
The configuration can be set by exectuting the folowing command $ make menuconfig here we can configure the wifi ssid an password. You can enter $ make flash for flashing to the esp. Do make sure that your user can read and write to the serial device. If you also wish to have your terminal print the debugging info you can enter $ make flash monitor.
The microcontroller we used is the esp8266.
The used SPO2 sensor and chip used for testing where the afe4404 (adc/controller), vemd8080 (fotodiode) and 2 green leds.
Refactor for this behavior and better documentation of the code. Also splitting the code up into more classes so that the code is less confusing to read.
I2C code needs to be split off so we can use it for implementing the battery management.
This code needs to be moved to separate file and the functionality revised for using in our application.
Implementing of a debug stetting for easier debuging code.
Tunning the settings for the sensor so the readout data is more accurate.
We have chosen a chip for battery management. But we haven't implemented it yet.
This amplification filter is esential for filtering out the high interfierace bit it can allsow affect the amplitude of the signal
This Value is important to change if the singal seems to clip, so that the adc can convert it but it allso affects the TIA-Gain