An example application for TDD and refactoring using the board game Gomoku
You will need to have Python 2.7 installed A good source to learn about Python is the Python Documentation.
Also the packet manager pip is needed. If you have pip
you should be able to
$ pip --version
pip 9.0.1
virtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments. virtualenv creates a folder which contains all the necessary executables to use the packages that a Python project would need.
$ pip install virtualenv
$ mkdir tdd_kurs
$ cd tdd_kurs
$ git clone
$ virtualenv my_virtenv
Start virtualenv
so all dependencies are installed inside it
$ source my_virtenv/bin/activate
After the lab you can quit the virtual environment by
$ deactivate
With virtualenv
running, install Pygame
(virt_env)$ pip install pygame
A Pygame cheat sheet explains the code components of Pygame, read it if you are interested. Pygame is necessary to run the game, but not to run the tests.
(virt_env)$ python -m unittest test.test_model
Read more on how to create Python unittests
Run the game through its GUI
(virt_env)$ cd app; python
When you write code that accesses a token or cell, the order is first row then column throughout the code, for example:
row, col = pos
If you like you can measure Code coverage to see how much of the production code is exercised by the tests.
(my_virtenv)$ pip install coverage
$ python -m coverage --help, version 4.3.4 with C extension
First check you are in the root of repo
$ ls app my_virtenv solutions test
Then run your tests through the tool
$ python -m coverage run -m unittest discover
Create a report
$ python -m coverage html
Then show it in your browser (choose open
or web browser name as suitable to your environment)
$ open htmlcov/index.html
$ firefox htmlcov/index.html
To clear between runs, do:
$ python -m coverage erase