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cf cli Concourse Resource

CI Builds Docker Pulls

An output only resource capable of running lots of Cloud Foundry cli commands.

Source Configuration

Note: you must provide either username and password or client_id and client_secret.

  • api: Required. The address of the Cloud Controller in the Cloud Foundry deployment.
  • username: Optional. The username used to authenticate.
  • password: Optional. The password used to authenticate.
  • origin: Optional. The identity provider to be used for authentication (only valid for username & password authentication)
  • client_id: Optional. The client id used to authenticate.
  • client_secret: Optional. The client secret used to authenticate.
  • skip_cert_check: Optional. Check the validity of the CF SSL cert. Defaults to false.
  • org: Optional. Sets the default organization to target (can be overridden in the params config).
  • space: Optional. Sets the default space to target (can be overridden in the params config).
  • cf_color: Optional. Set to false to not colorize cf output (can be overridden in the params config).
  • cf_dial_timeout: Optional. Max wait time to establish a connection, including name resolution, in seconds (can be overridden in the params config).
  • cf_trace: Optional. Set to true to print cf API request diagnostics to stdout (can be overridden in the params config).
  - name: cf-cli-resource
    type: registry-image
      repository: nulldriver/cf-cli-resource
      tag: latest

  - name: cf-env
    type: cf-cli-resource
      username: admin
      password: admin
      skip_cert_check: true

Multiple Command Syntax

This resource is capable of running single commands in separate put steps.

NOTE: A common practice is to use different logical names for each put step and reuse the same resource. In this example were we use cf-create-org and cf-create-space to describe the put steps and use the same cf-env resource for both steps.

- put: cf-create-org
  resource: cf-env
    command: create-org
    org: myorg
- put: cf-create-space
  resource: cf-env
    command: create-space
    org: myorg
    space: myspace

or they can be combined in a single put step:

- put: cf-create-org-and-space
  resource: cf-env
      - command: create-org
        org: myorg
      - command: create-space
        org: myorg
        space: myspace

And, of course, if you have your org and space defined in the source config, it gets even simpler:

- put: cf-create-org-and-space
  resource: cf-env
      - command: create-org
      - command: create-space


The standard way to authenticate the cf-cli-resource with a target Cloud Foundry environment is to either use username and password or client_id and client_secret, which will save a $CF_HOME/.cf/config.json file containing the API endpoint, and access token. For some pipeline workflows, it is necessary to authenticate using alternative methods and then supply the pre-configured config.json to the cf-cli-resource.

See examples/cf_home-auth/pipeline.yml for a full example

For example:

  - name: cf-prod
    type: cf-cli-resource

  - name: deploy
      - get: my-repo
      - task: authenticate
        file: my-repo/some-script-that-authenticates-and-creates-a-cf-config-json.yml
      - put: cf-prod
          cf_home: authenticate-task-output
            - command: push
              path: my-repo/myapp
              manifest: my-repo/manifest.yml

Command via file input

This resource supports file inputs. This allows the pipeline to parameterize and generate commands during pipeline execution.

  • command_file: Optional. Contains path to a YAML file that contains the same fields as params; including command or commands. If used, this resource uses only the configuration listed in this file. All other configurations specified in the params section will be ignored. The command_file field (if exists) is ignored within the content of the file itself.
- task: configure
    platform: linux
      type: docker-image
        repository: ubuntu
      path: bash
        - -excl
        - |-
          cat > cf_command/params.yml <<EOF
          command: delete
          app_name: app
          delete_mapped_routes: true
      - name: cf_command
- put: cf-delete
  resource: cf-env
    command: delete
    command_file: cf_command/params.yml


out: Run a cf cli command.

Run cf command(s) on a Cloud Foundry installation.


Create an org

  • org: Optional. The organization to create (required if not set in the source config)
- put: cf-create-org
  resource: cf-env
    command: create-org
    org: myorg


Delete an org

  • org: Optional. The organization to delete (required if not set in the source config)
- put: cf-delete-org
  resource: cf-env
    command: delete-org
    org: myorg


Create a space

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to create (required if not set in the source config)
- put: cf-create-space
  resource: cf-env
    command: create-space
    org: myorg
    space: myspace


Delete a space

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to delete (required if not set in the source config)
- put: cf-delete-space
  resource: cf-env
    command: delete-space
    org: myorg
    space: myspace


Create a domain in an org for later use

  • org: Optional. The organization to create the domain in (required if not set in the source config)
  • domain: Optional. The domain to add to the organization
- put: cf-create-domain
  resource: cf-env
    command: create-domain
    org: myorg


Delete a domain

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • domain: Optional. The domain to delete
- put: cf-delete-domain
  resource: cf-env
    command: delete-domain


Create a url route in a space for later use

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • other_space: Optional. The space for the route (if not set the source or params specified space will be used)
  • domain: Required. Domain for the HTTP route
  • hostname: Optional. Hostname for the HTTP route (required for shared domains)
  • path: Optional. Path for the HTTP route
- put: cf-create-route
  resource: cf-env
    command: create-route
    hostname: myhost
    path: foo


Add a url route to an app

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • app_name: Required. The application to map the route to
  • domain: Required. The domain to map to the application
  • hostname: Optional. Hostname for the HTTP route (required for shared domains)
  • path: Optional. Path for the HTTP route
- put: cf-map-route
  resource: cf-env
    command: map-route
    app_name: myapp-ui
    hostname: myhost
    path: foo


Remove a url route from an app

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • app_name: Required. The application to map the route to
  • domain: Required. The domain to unmap from the application
  • hostname: Optional. Hostname used to identify the HTTP route
  • path: Optional. Path used to identify the HTTP route
- put: cf-unmap-route
  resource: cf-env
    command: unmap-route
    app_name: myapp-ui
    hostname: myhost
    path: foo


Delete a route

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • domain: Required. Domain used to identify the HTTP route
  • hostname: Optional. Hostname used to identify the HTTP route
  • path: Optional. Path used to identify the HTTP route
- put: cf-delete-route
  resource: cf-env
    command: delete-route
    hostname: myhost
    path: foo


Create a new user

  • username: Required. The user to create
  • password: Optional. The password (must specify either password or origin)
  • origin: Optional. The authentication origin (e.g. ldap, provider-alias) (must specify either password or origin)

Create a user with credentials:

- put: prepare-env
  resource: cf-env
    command: create-user
    password: S3cr3t

Create an LDAP user:

- put: prepare-env
  resource: cf-env
    command: create-user
    origin: ldap


Bulk create users from a csv file

  • file: Required. The csv file containing the users
- put: prepare-env
  resource: cf-env
    command: create-users-from-file
    file: somepath/users.csv

The format of the bulk load file:

Username Password Org Space OrgManager BillingManager OrgAuditor SpaceManager SpaceDeveloper SpaceAuditor
user1 S3cr3t org1 dev x x x x x x
user2 org2 dev x x x x
user3 S3cr3t org3 dev x x
user3 S3cr3t org3 test x x


  • The file must include the header row
  • The file must be in comma separated value format
  • You can specify the user more than once to assign multiple orgs/spaces
  • If you omit the Org, no org or space roles will be assigned
  • If you omit the Space, no space roles will be assigned


Delete a user

  • username: Required. The user to delete
- put: prepare-env
  resource: cf-env
    command: delete-user


Make a user-provided service instance available to CF apps

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • service_instance: Required. The name to give the service instance
  • Options: Only specify one.
    • credentials: Credentials, provided as YAML, inline json or in a file, to be exposed in the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable for bound applications
    • syslog_drain_url: URL to which logs for bound applications will be streamed
    • route_service_url: URL to which requests for bound routes will be forwarded. Scheme for this URL must be https
- put: cf-create-user-provided-service
  resource: cf-env
      # credentials as YAML
      - command: create-user-provided-service
        service_instance: my-db-mine
          username: admin
          password: pa55woRD
      # credentials as inline json
      - command: create-user-provided-service
        service_instance: my-db-mine
        credentials: '{"username":"admin","password":"pa55woRD"}'
      # credentials as json file
      - command: create-user-provided-service
        service_instance: another-db-mine
        credentials: path/to/credentials.json
      # syslog drain url
      - command: create-user-provided-service
        service_instance: my-drain-service
        syslog_drain_url: syslog://
      # route service url
      - command: create-user-provided-service
        service_instance: my-route-service


Create a service instance

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • service: Required. The marketplace service name to create
  • plan: Required. The service plan name to create
  • service_instance: Required. The name to give the service instance
  • broker: Optional. Create a service instance from a particular broker. Required when service name is ambiguous
  • configuration: Optional. Valid JSON object containing service-specific configuration parameters, provided either in-line or in a file. For a list of supported configuration parameters, see documentation for the particular service offering.
  • tags: Optional. User provided tags
  • timeout: Optional. Max wait time for service creation, in seconds. Defaults to 600 (10 minutes)
  • wait_for_service: Optional. Wait for the asynchronous service to start. Defaults to false.
  • update_service: Optional. Update service instance if it already exists. Defaults to false.
- put: cf-create-service
  resource: cf-env
    command: create-service
    service: p-config-server
    plan: standard
    service_instance: my-config-server
    configuration: '{"count":1}'
    tags: "list, of, tags"
    timeout: 300
    wait_for_service: true


Update a service instance

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • service_instance: Required. The name of the service instance
  • plan: Required. Change service plan for a service instance
  • configuration: Optional. Valid JSON object containing service-specific configuration parameters, provided either in-line or in a file. For a list of supported configuration parameters, see documentation for the particular service offering.
  • tags: Optional. User provided tags
  • timeout: Optional. Max wait time for service update, in seconds. Defaults to 600 (10 minutes)
  • wait_for_service: Optional. Wait for the asynchronous service to update. Defaults to false.
- put: cf-update-service
  resource: cf-env
    command: update-service
    service: p-config-server
    plan: pro
    service_instance: my-config-server
    configuration: '{"count":2}'
    tags: "list, of, tags"
    timeout: 300
    wait_for_service: true


Delete a service instance

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • service_instance: Required. The service instance to delete
  • wait_for_service: Optional. Wait for the service to delete. Defaults to false.
- put: cf-delete-service
  resource: cf-env
    command: delete-service
    service_instance: my-config-server
    wait_for_service: true


Share a service instance with another space

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • service_instance: Required. The name of the service instance to share
  • other_org: Optional. Org of the other space (Default: targeted org)
  • other_space: Required. Space to share the service instance into
- put: cf-share-service
  resource: cf-env
    command: share-service
    service_instance: my-shared-service
    other_org: other-org
    other_space: other-space


Unshare a shared service instance from a space

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • service_instance: Required. The name of the service instance to unshare
  • other_org: Optional. Org of the other space (Default: targeted org)
  • other_space: Required. Space to unshare the service instance from
- put: cf-unshare-service
  resource: cf-env
    command: unshare-service
    service_instance: my-shared-service
    other_org: other-org
    other_space: other-space


Create a service key

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • service_instance: Required. The name of the service instance for which the key is to be created
  • service_key: Required. The name to give the service key
  • configuration: Optional. Valid JSON object containing service-specific configuration parameters, provided either in-line or in a file. For a list of supported configuration parameters, see documentation for the particular service offering.
- put: cf-create-service-key
  resource: cf-env
    command: create-service-key
    service_instance: my-db
    service_key: my-db-service-key


Delete a service key

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • service_instance: Required. The service instance that has the service key
  • service_key: Required. The service key to delete
- put: cf-delete-service-key
  resource: cf-env
    command: delete-service-key
    service_instance: my-db
    service_key: my-db-service-key


Create/Update a service broker. If a service broker already exists, updates the existing service broker.

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if space_scoped: true)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if space_scoped: true)
  • service_broker: Required. The service broker name to create
  • username: Required. The service broker username
  • password: Required. The service broker password
  • url: Required. The service broker url
  • space_scoped: Optional. Make the broker's service plans only visible within the targeted space. Defaults to false.
- put: cf-create-service-broker
  resource: cf-env
    command: create-service-broker
    service_broker: some-service
    username: admin
    password: password
    space_scoped: true


Deletes a service broker

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • service_broker: Required. The service broker name to delete
- put: cf-delete-service-broker
  resource: cf-env
    command: delete-service-broker
    service_broker: some-service


Wait for a service instance to start

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • service_instance: Required. The service instance to wait for
  • timeout: Optional. Max wait time for service creation, in seconds. Defaults to 600 (10 minutes)
- put: cf-wait-for-service
  resource: cf-env
    command: wait-for-service
    service_instance: my-config-server
    timeout: 300


Enable access to a service or service plan for one or all orgs

  • service: Required. The marketplace service name to enable
  • broker: Optional. Enable access to a service from a particular service broker. Required when service name is ambiguous
  • access_org: Optional. Enable access for a specified organization
  • plan: Optional. Enable access to a specified service plan
- put: cf-enable-service-access
  resource: cf-env
    command: enable-service-access
    service: some-service
    broker: some-service-broker
    access_org: myorg
    plan: simple


Disable access to a service or service plan for one or all orgs

  • service: Required. The marketplace service name to disable
  • access_org: Optional. Disable access for a specified organization
  • plan: Optional. Disable access to a specified service plan
- put: cf-disable-service-access
  resource: cf-env
    command: disable-service-access
    service: some-service
    access_org: myorg
    plan: simple


Bind a service instance to an app

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • app_name: Required. The application to bind to the service
  • service_instance: Required. The service instance to bind to the application
  • configuration: Optional. Valid JSON object containing service-specific configuration parameters, provided either in-line or in a file. For a list of supported configuration parameters, see documentation for the particular service offering.
- put: cf-bind-service
  resource: cf-env
    command: bind-service
    app_name: myapp-ui
    service_instance: mydb
    configuration: '{"permissions":"read-only"}'


Unbind a service instance from an app

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • app_name: Required. The application to unbind from the service instance
  • service_instance: Required. The service instance to unbind from the application
- put: cf-unbind-service
  resource: cf-env
    command: unbind-service
    app_name: myapp-ui
    service_instance: mydb


Bind a service instance to an HTTP route

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • domain: Required. The domain to bind the route to
  • service_instance: Required. The service instance to bind the route to
  • hostname: Optional. Hostname used in combination with domain to specify the route to bind
  • path: Optional. Path used in combination with hostname and domain to specify the route to bind
- put: cf-bind-route-service
  resource: cf-env
    command: bind-route-service
    service_instance: mylogger
    hostname: myhost
    path: foo


Unbind a service instance from an HTTP route

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • domain: Required. The domain to unbind the route from
  • service_instance: Required. The service instance to unbind the route from
  • hostname: Optional. Hostname used in combination with DOMAIN to specify the route to unbind
  • path: Optional. Path used in combination with HOSTNAME and DOMAIN to specify the route to unbind
- put: cf-unbind-route-service
  resource: cf-env
    command: unbind-route-service
    service_instance: mylogger
    hostname: myhost
    path: foo


Allow use of a feature

  • feature_name: Required. Feature to enable
- put: cf-enable-feature-flag
  resource: cf-env
    command: enable-feature-flag
    feature_name: service_instance_sharing


Prevent use of a feature

  • feature_name: Required. Feature to disable
- put: cf-disable-feature-flag
  resource: cf-env
    command: disable-feature-flag
    feature_name: service_instance_sharing


Push a new app or sync changes to an existing app

NOTE: A manifest can be used to specify values for required parameters. Any parameters specified will override manifest values.

Common params
  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • app_name: Required. The name of the application (Optional if using a manifest that specifies the application name)
  • buildpack: Optional. Deprecated, please use buildpacks instead.
  • buildpacks: Optional. List of custom buildpacks by name (e.g. my-buildpack) or Git URL (e.g. '') or Git URL with a branch or tag (e.g. '' for 'v3.3.0' tag). To use built-in buildpacks only, specify default or "null" (note the use of double quotes!)
  • disk_quota: Optional. Disk limit (e.g. 256M, 1024M, 1G)
  • docker_image: Optional. Docker-image to be used (e.g. user/docker-image-name)
  • docker_username: Optional. This is used as the username to authenticate against a protected docker registry
  • docker_password: Optional. This should be the users password when authenticating against a protected docker registry
  • environment_variables: Optional. Map of environment variables to pass to application
  • instances: Optional. Number of instances
  • manifest: Optional. Path to manifest
  • memory: Optional. Memory limit (e.g. 256M, 1024M, 1G)
  • no_start: Optional. Do not start an app after pushing. Defaults to false.
  • path: Optional. Path to app directory or to a zip file of the contents of the app directory
  • stack: Optional. Stack to use (a stack is a pre-built file system, including an operating system, that can run apps)
  • startup_command: Optional. Startup command, set to "null" (note the use of double quotes!) to reset to default start command
  • vars: Optional. Map of variables to pass to manifest
  • vars_files: Optional. List of variables files to pass to manifest
  • show_app_log: Optional. Outputs the app log after a failed startup, useful to debug issues when used together with the app_name option.
  • staging_timeout: Optional. Max wait time for buildpack staging, in minutes
  • startup_timeout: Optional. Max wait time for app instance startup, in minutes
cf cli v6 specific params
  • domain: Optional. Domain to use instead of the default (e.g. apps.internal,
  • hostname: Optional. Hostname (e.g. my-subdomain)
cf cli v7 specific params

NOTE: Enable these by specifying cf_cli_version: 7 in the resource source params.

  • strategy: Optional. Deployment strategy, either rolling or empty.
- put: cf-push
  resource: cf-env
    command: push
    app_name: myapp-ui
    memory: 1G
    path: path/to/myapp-*.jar
      - java_buildpack
    manifest: path/to/manifest.yml
      instances: 3
      - path/to/vars.yml
      key: value
      key2: value2


Deploy an application to a Cloud Foundry

Pushes an application to the Cloud Foundry detailed in the source configuration. A manifest that describes the application must be specified.

NOTE: This command is designed to function as a replacement for the Concourse cf-resource.

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • manifest: Required. Path to a application manifest file.
  • path: Optional. Path to the application to push. If this isn't set then it will be read from the manifest instead.
  • current_app_name: Optional. This should be the name of the application that this will re-deploy over. If this is set the resource will perform a zero-downtime deploy.
  • environment_variables: Optional. Environment variable key/value pairs to add to the manifest.
  • vars: Optional. Map of variables to pass to manifest
  • vars_files: Optional. List of variables files to pass to manifest
  • docker_image: Optional. Docker-image to be used (e.g. user/docker-image-name)
  • docker_username: Optional. This is used as the username to authenticate against a protected docker registry
  • docker_password: Optional. This should be the users password when authenticating against a protected docker registry
  • show_app_log: Optional. Outputs the app log after a failed startup, useful to debug issues when used together with the current_app_name option.
  • no_start: Optional. Deploys the app but does not start it.
  • stack: Optional. Stack to use (a stack is a pre-built file system, including an operating system, that can run apps)
  • staging_timeout: Optional. Max wait time for buildpack staging, in minutes
  • startup_timeout: Optional. Max wait time for app instance startup, in minutes
- put: cf-zero-downtime-push
  resource: cf-env
    command: zero-downtime-push
    manifest: path/to/manifest.yml
    path: path/to/myapp-*.jar
    current_app_name: myapp-ui
      key: value
      key2: value2
      instances: 3
      - path/to/vars.yml


Set an env variable for an app

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • app_name: Required. The name of the application
  • environment_variables: Required. Environment variable key/value pairs to set.
- put: cf-set-env
  resource: cf-env
    command: set-env
    app_name: myapp-ui
      JBP_CONFIG_OPEN_JDK_JRE: "{ jre: { version: 11.+ }, memory_calculator: { stack_threads: 25 } }"


Start an app

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • app_name: Required. The name of the application
  • staging_timeout: Optional. Max wait time for buildpack staging, in minutes
  • startup_timeout: Optional. Max wait time for app instance startup, in minutes
- put: cf-start
  resource: cf-env
    command: start
    app_name: myapp-ui
    staging_timeout: 15
    startup_timeout: 5


Stop an app

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • app_name: Required. The name of the application
- put: cf-stop
  resource: cf-env
    command: stop
    app_name: myapp-ui


Stop all instances of the app, then start them again. This causes downtime.

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • app_name: Required. The name of the application
  • staging_timeout: Optional. Max wait time for buildpack staging, in minutes
  • startup_timeout: Optional. Max wait time for app instance startup, in minutes
- put: cf-restart
  resource: cf-env
    command: restart
    app_name: myapp-ui
    staging_timeout: 15
    startup_timeout: 5


Recreate the app's executable artifact using the latest pushed app files and the latest environment (variables, service bindings, buildpack, stack, etc.)

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • app_name: Required. The name of the application
  • staging_timeout: Optional. Max wait time for buildpack staging, in minutes
  • startup_timeout: Optional. Max wait time for app instance startup, in minutes
- put: cf-restage
  resource: cf-env
    command: restage
    app_name: myapp-ui
    staging_timeout: 15
    startup_timeout: 5


Delete an app

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • app_name: Required. The name of the application
  • delete_mapped_routes: Optional. Delete any mapped routes. Defaults to false.
- put: cf-delete
  resource: cf-env
    command: delete
    app_name: myapp-ui
    delete_mapped_routes: true


Rename an app

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • app_name: Required. The name of the application
  • new_app_name: Required. The new name of the application
- put: cf-rename
  resource: cf-env
    command: rename
    app_name: myapp-ui
    new_app_name: my-new-app-ui


Create policy to allow direct network traffic from one app to another

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • source_app: Required. The name of the source application
  • destination_app: Required. Name of app to connect to
  • port: Optional. Port or range of ports for connection to destination app (Default: 8080)
  • protocol: Optional. Protocol to connect apps with (Default: tcp)
  • destination_org: Optional. The org of the destination app (Default: targeted org)
  • destination_space: Optional. The space of the destination app (Default: targeted space)
- put: cf-add-network-policy
  resource: cf-env
    command: add-network-policy
    source_app: frontend
    destination_app: backend
    protocol: tcp
    port: 8080


Remove network traffic policy of an app

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • source_app: Required. The name of the source application
  • destination_app: Required. Name of app to connect to
  • port: Required. Port or range of ports that destination app is connected with
  • protocol: Required. Protocol that apps are connected with
  • destination_org: Optional. The org of the destination app (Default: targeted org)
  • destination_space: Optional. The space of the destination app (Default: targeted space)
- put: cf-remove-network-policy
  resource: cf-env
    command: remove-network-policy
    source_app: frontend
    destination_app: backend
    protocol: tcp
    port: 8080


Create a buildpack

  • buildpack: Required. The name of the buildpack
  • path: Required. Path to buildpack zip file, url to a zip file, or a local directory
  • position: Required. The order in which the buildpacks are checked during buildpack auto-detection
  • enabled: Optional. Set to false to disable the buildpack from being used for staging
- put: cf-create-buildpack
  resource: cf-env
    command: create-buildpack
    buildpack: java_buildpack_offline
    position: 99


Update a buildpack

  • buildpack: Required. The name of the buildpack
  • path: Optional. Path to buildpack zip file, url to a zip file, or a local directory
  • assign_stack: Optional. Assign a stack to a buildpack that does not have a stack association
  • position: Optional. The order in which the buildpacks are checked during buildpack auto-detection
  • enabled: Optional. Set to false to disable the buildpack from being used for staging
  • locked: Optional. Set to true to lock the buildpack to prevent updates
- put: cf-update-buildpack
  resource: cf-env
    command: update-buildpack
    buildpack: java_buildpack_offline
    assign_stack: cflinuxfs3


Delete a buildpack

  • buildpack: Required. The name of the buildpack
  • stack: Optional. Specify stack to disambiguate buildpacks with the same name. Required when buildpack name is ambiguous
- put: cf-delete-buildpack
  resource: cf-env
    command: delete-buildpack
    buildpack: java_buildpack_offline
    stack: cflinuxfs3


Run a one-off task on an app

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • app_name: Required. The name of the application
  • task_command: Required. The command to run for the task
  • task_name: Optional. Name to give the task (generated if omitted)
  • memory: Optional. Memory limit (e.g. 256M, 1024M, 1G)
  • disk_quota: Optional. Disk limit (e.g. 256M, 1024M, 1G)
- put: cf-run-task
  resource: cf-env
    command: run-task
    app_name: myapp-ui
    task_command: "bundle exec rake db:migrate"
    task_name: migrate
    memory: 256M
    disk_quota: 1G


Change or view the instance count, disk space limit, and memory limit for an app

  • org: Optional. The organization to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • space: Optional. The space to target (required if not set in the source config)
  • app_name: Required. The name of the application
  • instances: Optional. Number of instances
  • disk_quota: Optional. Disk limit (e.g. 256M, 1024M, 1G)
  • memory: Optional. Memory limit (e.g. 256M, 1024M, 1G)
- put: cf-scale
  resource: cf-env
    command: scale
    app_name: myapp-ui
    instances: 3
    disk_quota: 1G
    memory: 2G


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