HappyPanda: E-Hentai/ExHentai image grabber
This is a Chrome extension that downloads the image shown on the current E-Hentai/ExHentai page.
I'm not proficient in JavaScript so the codes might look a bit awkward to others, but it works perfectly. Adding functionalities in near future.
- Load this extension into your Chrome.
- Navigate e-hentai/exhentai, open an image page.
- Click on the panda icon on the extension tab.
- It will automatically download the highest quality image available.
- Rinse and repeat! It should automatically go to the next page.
2017-10-10 (Ver. 0.3)
- No longer listening to updates on other unrelated tabs.
- Scripts no longer only runs with active tab.
- Image fetching now will wait for callback and would not stop prematurely.