A simple dual PMOD connector board using thru-hole components on a 2-layer PCB. It was designed for playing the Arduboy on the iCEBreaker FPGA Board, but is generic enough for other creative purposes.
- Adafruit monochrome 1.3" 128x64 OLED.
- Six 6x6mm Tactile switches. I prefer feel of the B3F-1020 with 100gf actuation. 10K pull down resistors for each button.
- Small Piezo speaker (like this one or this). A C1815 transistor and two 1K resistors for driving it.
- Generic 100mil 6x2 angled male headers like these (12 position, 2 rows), for the PMOD connectors.
- The resistors are 1/8W (the distance between the pads is 200mil), instead of the bigger 1/4W ones. Links: 1K, 10K.