Release notes - SonarIac - 1.17
SONARIAC-782 Invalid line offset while issue reporting should not lead to analysis failure
SONARIAC-783 S6504 crashes by specific filename in shell commands
SONARIAC-738 Rule S6504: Group is not considered
SONARIAC-753 S6505 should not raise issue if `yarn` is used as command option
SONARIAC-731 Rule S6500: Improve issue message
SONARIAC-734 Rule S2612: Add more precision to the issue message
SONARIAC-737 Rule S6472: Improve wordlists
SONARIAC-742 Rule S6437: Improve the ssh-keygen command detection logic
SONARIAC-743 Rule S6437: Improve the message for secret generation
SONARIAC-749 Review content of rules/cfn-lint/rules.json (Severity, Type, Message)
SONARIAC-750 Rule S6506: Add wget support
SONARIAC-752 Log filename when file identifier does not match in YamlSensor